The Winner Is...🦑

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Player 218 and Player 456, welcome to the final game. Before we begin, we'll flip a coin to decide who plays offense or defense.

Mitch and Kirstie faced each other without saying a word.

Please choose a side. Heads or Tails.

"Heads!!" Kirstie said.

The Square Soldier flipped the coin and it landed on Heads.

Player 456, please choose either offense or defense.

Mitch gave Kirstie a little smirk.

Kirstie matched it with her own side smirk. "Offense."

Player 456 will play offense. Player 218 will defend.

Two Triangle Soldiers opened a door. The Square Soldier led the two back to the Red Light Green Light room.

For the final game, you'll both be playing Squid Game.

"Squid Game...what an odd name." VIP 1 said.

"It was a children's game that was played in Korea years ago." The frontwoman said.

Kirstie smiled. "I know exactly how to play this game!" She said happily.

Let me explain the rules of Squid Game. One, the attacker must enter the squid shape court, run past the defense, and then tap the area inside the squid's head with their foot to secure the win.

Two, the defender must block the attacker's advance and force them outside of the court's bounds in order to win.

Three, if a situation arises, in which either player is unable to continue playing the game, the last one standing will be the winner.

After the Square Solder explained all of the rules, he stopped walking and turned around towards the two.

"A player's unable to continue. Could you explain that?" Kirstie asked looking at Mitch dead in the eyes.

That would be referring to the player's death.

And now, with that, let the game begin.

Kirstie walked towards her position in the Circle.

"Among all the games that kids played back then, this was the most physical and violent." The frontwoman explained.

"So...any kind of violence is allowed?" VIP 2 asked.

"Yes. There are no restrictions."

Kirstie tied her shoe lace and then picked up some sand.

She began to move on one leg and then landed her foot on another Circle.

"Why is she hopping on one foot?" VIP 1 asked.

"The attacker is given a handicap. She can only hop on one foot until she crosses the squid's neck.

" the defender tries to block her."

"Yes! That's the first challenge of this game."

Mitch walked up to Kirstie. "Well gorgeous, this was fun while it lasted." He said holding out his knife.

Kirstie smirked. "We always used to play this as kids until it got banned from the United States. When we you remember what we used to call it?"

"Don't know. Don't care!" Mitch said as he was about to stab Kirstie but she ducked and then threw the sand towards Mitch's eyes.

Mitch shrieked and then waved his knife around the air.

The Last One Standing Is... (Mirstie, Scomark fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now