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Warning⚠️ : Mentions of drugs
And also, idk how music labels operate so please don't come for me😅

Kirstie cried as she saw her mother lying sick on her bed.

Mitch looked outside the Standard University college and sighed.

Scott ran his hand through his hair and growled frustratedly.

Matt whimpered as he carried a huge metal pipe.

Kevin opened a pack of weed as tears ran down his face.

They all repeated this question inside their head.

How did I get here?

Well, let me explain how did they get there...

*1 year ago*
"THATS IT!" Kevin shouted frustratedly as the band went through rehearsal.

"Relax Kevin, lets just redo the song!" Scott said.

Everyone groaned.

"Scott, I don't know if you have noticed but we haven't posted a song or album in over a year! Pentaholics all over the world are getting frustrated!" Kirstie said.

Matt sighed. "What happened to us? We use to pop out with ideas for songs...but now look at us!"

Mitch groaned. "I'm tired of this!"

Esther knocked on the band's door. "Hey everyone! How's the song coming along?"

"Terribly!" Kevin said. "Can't we just do a cover? We're so much better at those!"

Esther shook her head. "You guys promised that there would be an original album coming out and it's been a whole year!" She said and then sighed. "Now RCA is giving you a deadline. Either you guys release an original album by Monday or else you'll get dropped."

"WHAT??" Everyone shouted.

Esther shrugged. "Sorry guys!" She said and then exited out of the room.

Scott bit his lip. "What the fuck are we suppose to do?"

"Aviously create some songs dumbass!" Mitch sassed.

"Well why don't you pull a song out from that uptight ass of yours!" Scott said rolling his eyes.

"I know things are hectic right now but y'all two need to calm down!" Kirstie said.

Scott scoffed and walked out of the room.

After about 5 minutes, the other four heard arguing coming from the hallway.

"SCOTT PLEASE BE REASONABLE!" Esther said trying to snatch a contract from Scott's hands.

Kirstie immediately got up from her seat and went towards the two. "What's going on?" She asked.

"Scott wants to sign the resign contract and go solo!" Esther said.

All of the sudden, the contract ripped into two pieces. Esther sighed in relieved but Scott grew furious.

Lord knows what came over Scott but he then slapped Esther across the face.

Esther and Kirstie gasped.

"WHAT THE FUCK SCOTT?" Kirstie shouted and slapped him back.

Scott scoffed and pushed Kirstie aside. "OH FUCK OFF!"

Mitch, Kevin, and Matt came into the scene.

"What's going on?" Kevin asked.

Esther carcasses her cheek. "You know what? Fine! I'm done trying! I'll go make more copies if anyone else wants to resign." She said then walked away.

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