0.6 Wings Of Freedom

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Dedicated to cheery_cerulean for suggesting me ways to improve my story better. Here is a long chappy coming up!

The silence in the arena was deafening. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE was gaping at me as if I was totally out of place. I stared back at them.

"What?" I asked. Nobody answered.

"What?" I asked louder this time.

"Renna...." Eva trailed off.

"What is it? Just tell me!" I was impatient. What had I done? Was it something against the law? Were they going to electrocute me, now? Did I, in my subconscious mind, say that I don't like Justin Beiber but these Valenthians happen to be ardent Beliebers? I really don't know.

"Your hands." Nova's voice was so feeble, I almost didn't here it.

"What about them?" I asked as I looked down. I gasped.

Small sparks were floating above my palms, only a millimetres above. Just like miniature sparklers, almost dying. I stared until they completely disappeared. I checked my hands for blisters or burn. But ofcourse, there were none.

"Fancy a spiteful revenge huh, Carrot?"

It took me a minute to realise that Carter was talking. And another minute to realize that "Carrot" was me.

"My name is Renna. And I did not do it." I gritted my teeth.

"Stop lying already, Carrot. Lying doesn't suit you. Plus, denying something undeniable makes you sound like a fool." His voice was dangerously low.

"Why would I lie? I swear to God, I did not do it. I did not want any sort of revenge!"

"Everyone knows what happened at breakfast! This seems like the only logical thing to do. Stop pulling that innocent, little girl image on everyone!" He yelled.

"I tell you, I really didn't do it. Please! Believe me. And I am.not pulling any sort of image!" My lips shook as I said this.

I looked pleadingly at my friends, others, Warmage Wimbsky. They had a look of skepticism, contempt and intent on their faces, respectively. But no one said a word. I stood there, trembling. For the first time in my life, I was scared. Scared of these people who call themselves the Valenthians. Scared of their magic, powers. Scared and terrified of my future. But most importantly scared of myself. Scared of what is inside me. Scared of this unearthly power which threatens to be destructive. Which threatens to destroy everyone including me. I didn't  know what it really is; but I did know that whatever sort of power I possess, it is strong but in a bad way. And maybe that is why I am so scared.

Hence, after what felt like a millennia of standing in that arena of silence, I ran away through the doors and outside. I ran. I don't know where. Of course, I would not. It was just the first day of my stay here. And I already proved myself dangerous.

I ran past millions of oak doors, hundreds of corridors. It felt like I ran for century until I opened a random door and walked in. Or rather out. It was a balcony. I was in the centre of the palace, on the large, co joining balcony.

The view was breathtaking. I could see the grounds and all the people lazing and having fun. Classes or whatever they call it must have been over. I could see across the gates, the vast expanse of green. The woods surrounding the Warmage Academy, I supposed. The sky was still blue and I could make out various birds flying high. Tears came to my eyes, as I saw them. Free. They were so free and happy. Not caged or tortured. Not forced or pressurised to do anything. Not a slave to anyone. Not possessing dangerous powers. They were everything that I was not. Alive. Carefree. Zestful. They had the Wings Of Freedom; whreas I had none.

I felt a furry tail curl around my ankle. Looking down, I saw....
"Onyx!" I picked up my black cat and looked into its green eyes.

"I totally forgot about you! Where've you been?" Picking it up, I fondled its ears. Onyx was my best friend. He was a birthday present by dad. Ever since, he has been my pal.
After the hill incident, I totally forgot about him until now. Patting him felt good. It was like a piece of me was still unchanged after the hill episode. I decided to spend the rest of my night in the balcony with my one, true pal.

• • •

The sound of loud banging on the door woke me up. I looked around and wondered how I landed up in a balcony. Onyx was on my lap mewing, slightly annoyed. The last thing I remembered was cuddling him.
I must've fallen asleep. I was too tired for my first day.

"Open this door now, Ren!" I heared Nova yelling.

I grunted.

"It is unlocked! Just get in! (Or out?)" I screamed back.

Nova bolted in with Bex and Eva on her trail. For a moment, everyone was still. Then, Nova moved towards me and gave me a bone-crushing hug.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure," I replied, trying to force a smile.

"We know you didn't do it intentionally." Eva blurted.

Bex elbowed her.

"Ow! What?" Eva asked in a whisper.

"Shut up!" Bex hissed back.

"What is it? You guys still don't believe me?" I asked, a bit flustered.

"Of course, we believe you!" Bex said.

"Then what is it?" I asked.

"It is just that you could not control your powers and you were really very upset with Carter and you wanted to just, you know, sort of humiliate him too or whatever and you just couldn't help it so your subconscious blasted up his arrow. It really wasn't you but your subconscious wishful thinking." Eva rambled on and on.

I would have let her but finally Bex stopped her.

"That's enough, Eva." Bex said, softly.

I stare at Eva and she seemed to blush a bit.

"I'm sorry. I'm just a stuck-up nerd and—"
"—No! You are awesome!" I said cutting her off.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" Nova asked.

I looked at Eva and Bex. They looked back at me. I shrugged.

"Anything, really," I said.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Nova asked.

"Yes!" The three of us reply in unison.

"Then, come on!"

All of us filed out of the balcony, carrying Onyx with me.

At that moment I forgot all about worrying. I didn't let my weary brain think. I just tagged along with my new friends at a new place. I didn't even worry myself with important thoughts like, "Do Valenthians watch movies? What kind of movies do these psychos watch, really?" Nope. I totally did not. I was filled with a new energy. Maybe things can't worsen anymore. Maybe, I will have a peaceful stay and enjoy the simple pleasures of life, even in this weird place of magic.

Little did I know that I was wrong.

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