31. The Notes

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You are next. Wait for us. Soon.

I stared at the paper. Again. The bedside clock showed that it was 6:00 am. It was a week after Daphne's death. And this was the note she clutched in her dead hands. It was obvious that it was for me. A week of peace and I'm expecting them to strike soon. The atmosphere is that of suspicion. The weather gloomy for the first time since I arrived here. The sky is always overcast and sometimes it rains heavily. I hate the rains.

We had held Daphne's funeral in the Main Hall. Valenthians burn the body and it is one of the family members who does so. As Daphne's parents were dead, I was supposed to do it. We wore white, everyone of us. As a symbol of peace. Rosaria, Daphne's best friend had held out the torch to me. I ignored it and squeezed Daphne's cold, lifeless hand. Gentle sparks rose, transforming into flickering yellow flames. Warm and comfortable flames. That will do the needful but won't hurt in any way. Of course, I knew that she was dead and nothing could hurt her but still. This was my last gift to her.

I crept out of our room and stepped on the cold hallways as quietly as possible.

"Renna, where are you going?"

It was Bex. And no one could say that she had been sleeping a while ago. She looked as alert as a hawk.

"Waffles. I'm craving waffles. And the kitchen will open soon," I lied.

Bex rolled her eyes and said, "Do spare some for us."

"Sure," I mumbled before walking away.

I wouldn't say that I'm still grieving Daphne's death. Though the wounds her death left were still raw and open. I had to heal them. But only time can do that. I had to avenge her death. That was a promise, an oath I made the day she died.

None of the demons or monsters had dared to attack us yet. But they will soon. I know. And when they do, it will be to kill me and drain me of my power. This time, it has got a lot more personal. This time, I am going to fight back. And win.

"Good morning," I heard someone say.

I turned to see the Enchantress standing at the doorway that led to the courtyard. She had come over after hearing about Daphne. Seeing her, I was reminded of my first ever mission I failed of rescuing Daphne. She had stayed over after the funeral.

"Morning," I replied, omitting the adjective because I personally didn't find the morning any good.

"Are you going out?" She asked me.

"Yes," I replied flatly.

"Well you can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I said so."

"And your words don't mean anything to me," I retorted angrily.

Her face contorted but her voice and demeanour was easy and cheerful.

"Well, they should. Or else you would have been dead years ago."

"What? How?" Shocked, I asked.

She shook her head. "That doesn't matter."

"Tell me!" I yelled and my voice echoed through the empty hallway.

"During the war...I was with your mother. And when she entered the room to save you, she died before she could complete her deed. And I was there. Confused. I opened a Portal and the first place that came to my mind was a Palenthian office building. They were banging on the door and it would budge any time soon. I picked you up and pushed you in. Safe. Away from the danger that surrounded you here," she said almost wearily.

Her words washed over me like cold water and all I could manage was to stare at her and mutter, "Oh. Th-thank you."

She nodded her head and said, "Time for me to go. Promise me one thing Princess Thaisa."

She stepped closer and pulled me in a tight hug.

"That you will stay safe. You are alive because a number of people sacrificed themselves for you. Don't let the sacrifices go in vain," she whispered in my ear.

"I promise," I said and at that time, I really meant it.

She smiled and pulled away. Stepping back, she disappeared into a whirl of smoke and glitter.

• • •

It was raining again and I was cosy in the library. We had a free period and chose to spend it reading more about Caelum.


Looking up from my book, I saw Arnold smiling down at me tentatively.

"Hi," I smiled back.

"I just wanted to apologise...about the Love Potion incident. I was an idiot," he said, scratching the back of his neck.

"That's okay. You're forgiven," I said, laughing a little.

His smile widened and he said, "I actually don't regret it much. Maybe in future, I wouldn't need a Love Potion."

I raised my eyebrows at him and offered him a smile. I could feel the heat rise up my cheeks and I swear that I was crimsoning. That was when I heard noise at the opposite bookshelf. Looking past Arnold, I saw Carter crouching down to pick up a pile of books he must have knocked over.

"Let me help you Carter," Arnold offered but he brushed him off.

"I got it," he said gruffly.

Arnold shrugged and turned to me. "See you later?"

"Yeah," I said.

• • •

The rain was pouring heavier than before and I had to pull on a sweater to keep away from the chill. I walked towards the Main Hall with Nova's arm looped around my shoulder when someone bumped into me.

"Sorry," Carter murmured and walked away rather quickly before I could mutter "it's okay."

It reminded me of the first day I had met him.

"What's with him these days?" Nova asked perplexed.

I shrugged and dug my hands further into my sweater pocket when I felt something brush against my fingers. I pulled it out. It was a piece of yellowing paper folded neatly.

"What is that?" Nova asked.

"I don't know," I replied while opening the piece of paper. It showed precise penmanship forming the words:

This Saturday. It's free. We are permitted to go to town for the day. Want to catch a movie or something?
P.S. : If Anthony doesn't mind
-R. C.

"R. C. Ryan Carter?" Nova asked.

"I'm guessing," I said.

He referred to Anthony. I remember him calling Andrew that on our mission together. But what was the deal with the movie? I've never heard of a society where people humiliate you, taunt you, become friendly with you, ignore you and then ask you out in that order. Funny.

"So are you going?" Eva asked from behind. She must've read the note.

"Sure. Why not?" I said.

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