27. Quicksand

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"Where were you?"

Three very angry Mystics were staring at me as I entered my suite.

"Library," I fibbed.

"I thought you checked in the library," Bex looked at Eva.

Eva's eyes went wide as she answered, "I did."

All three looked at me as if they had caught me doing something illegal.

"Okay, I wasn't at the library. I went......out," I said.

And then in between eating candies and junk food that they managed to sneak from the kitchen, I told them.

"So, you guys....encountered Duratus? Carter's uncle Duratus?" Nova sounded shocked.

"Yeah," I answered.

"What...what do you think..Carter's uncle wanted to kidnap you and all. I mean, Carter is your...erm...friend, right?" Eva asked tentatively.

"Nothing," I shrugged.

"Nothing?" Bex asked incredulously.

"Yeah...I mean Carter isn't the one who tried to kidnap me, right? He protected me. And plus, I'm sure he is not that close to his uncle. I am fine...with..whatever this stuff is," I said, not sure about my own words. I mean, he did hide the fact that his relative was alive. And that he was on the bad side of the war or whatever. But he chose not to. That meant he doesn't trust me enough, right? I was certainly disappointed that Duratus was Carter's uncle. But more disappointed that Carter didn't tell me.

"Okay," Nova nodded her head. "Let's just sleep. I'm tired. It was a long day," she said, yawning.

Long day, it was. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was fast asleep.

• • •

"I was almost scared to death yesterday. Your friends told me that you were gone!"

I smiled at the concerned expression on his face as I answered, "I was fine, Arnold. My friends were just a bit paranoid. That is all."

"Promise me that you won't pull such stunts again," he said.

I laughed and promised him that I won't.

"See ya later, Renna. I got class," he said hurriedly before walking off.

I smile at Daphne as she passed by. After the revelation, we did try on knowing each other better. She is my cousin after all. I learnt that she is the Mystic of Dreams. Of course, when I say dreams, nightmares are included as well. But how cool is that?

I didn't have any special classes today. It was practically a free day and so I decided to concentrate on my special projects. I excused myself from the breakfast table and bounded off to the library.

I had research to do. I started making mental notes regarding what I wanted to find out.

"Number one- Scylla.
Number two- Duratus
Number three- Sword of Ignis
Number four- Sorores Pecatti
Number five- Dragonix
Number six-Battle of Ardebit," I was rattling under my breath when I stopped short at the entrance of the library and saw.....

"Carter," I breathed.

His head snapped up from the book he was absorbed in. His body tensed slightly when he saw me but said nothing. He gave me a tight smile and looked back down. Though I could still feel his eyes on me as I walked to Madam Donna, the librarian.


"Can I use the laptop for two hours?" I asked.

"Sure. Take the one on the extreme left," she said, nodding in the general direction.

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