33. The Commence

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"Have this Miss Evans," Freya offered a cup of hot chocolate. But I didn't want one. I didn't want anything. It was raining and my clothes were wet. I was freezing. But I didn't care.

"Where's Carter?" I asked. My voice was hoarse from screaming and yelling. I could barely talk.

"We do not know. We have sent Ferdinand and best possible Mystics. If I'm right, then the Sorores Peccati have escaped and left Carter. Or as he is a descendent of one of them, they must've  taken him with them. But mostly, I think he is there. Wounded maybe," Freya said.

I nodded my head silently. This was totally not what I thought this day would be. I wanted to go back home and sleep a million years. I wanted Mom to say soothing words to me and wanted my dad to prepare his infamous vegetable soup. I didn't want to be a Valenthian any more. I couldn't be the Mystic of Fire. I couldn't, I couldn't, I couldn't. Who can when their powers are drained out by three evil power-hungry psychopaths? Yep, you read that right. They got the Dragonix. I have nothing.

"Tell me what happened," Sir Lysander commanded.

And I did. I told him how I got pinned to the wall with ice. How Carter's own mother caged him. How they formed a triangle and stood in front of me. How the triangle was connected by a chord of thin ice with water and black mist swirling around it. How they murmured something incoherent and unintelligible. How I felt my powers being sucked away. The way I saw a fiery golden orb floating in the air and getting caught up in the triangle. How a burst of light almost blinded me and I heard a wall collapse to pitiful pieces of bricks. How I heard Carter yell my name, and the way I felt my body being finally released. The way I felt my way forward because of my poor vision. Carter's arms around me for a brief moment, asking me to run. "Go to the Academy Renna and get help," he'd said. And I did as I was told because I was terrified. I lost my powers and I was terror-struck. I heard another blast but I didn't stop. I didn't stop until I reached the Academy. I told him all of it. Everything.

"I think that's enough, Miss Evans. You should go to your suite and rest," Sir Lysander said, wiping his brow.

"But I don't want to rest," I yelled, banging my fists on the mahogany.

"That's the wisest thing to do."

"Will Carter be alright? Will they be able to find him? They have to find him!" I screamed, tears threatened to spill again.

"He'll be fine, Miss Evans. Trust me."

• • •

"Ren? Are you...I mean..," Eva started but stopped.

I had been crying uncontrollably. I had lost my powers. I had lost Carter. I don't know where he was or how he was.

"It's okay, Ren. We know what happened. It'll be fine," Nova said, putting her hand around me.

"It won't, Nova. I lost my powers, do you understand?" I burst out.

"Yes, we do Renna. We do," Bex said.

I looked at my best friends in turn. Their faces reflected hope. Their eyes shone with promise. But it is a dangerous thing, hope. Sometimes, we hope for the impossible and it never happens. And then, we feel like we lost everything. But then, not everything is lost.

"Guys! It is Carter! He is back!"

It was Julian his face reflecting the same optimism. I jumped up and exclaimed, "Really? How is he? Where is he?"

"Calm down. He is okay. Just in the hospital wing," Julian informed us.

"Hospital wing? What is he doing in the hospital wing?" Eva asked, shocked.

"Relax girl, it's okay. Just some minor injuries. Nothing serious," Julian reassured.

"Alright. You think we can go and meet him?" Nova asked anxiously.

"The Sanator has strictly forbidden anyone in. Maybe tomorrow. I think we must go to sleep," Julian said.

We took heed of Julian's advice and headed to bed.

Needless to say, it was going to be a long night.

• • •

I woke up at half past six suddenly with a jerk. I was sweating profusely. It was a terrible nightmare. I crept out of my bed and dressed up quietly. Tiptoeing out of the room and into the halls, I found myself facing the hospital door. I contemplated going inside. It's not like I was dying to see Carter. I just had to make sure that he wasn't hurt badly. Yes, I just have a sneak peek and get going.

I gently pushed open the door and stepped in quietly. I looked around the almost empty room and saw Carter sitting up on his bed and staring out of the window. I froze, unable to move. I gaped at him.

He said without turning, "I was wondering when you'd come."

"I...I...," I stuttered unable to speak coherently.

He turned and just stared. It was like there was a wall between us, separating. Neither of us was willing to take the risk and break it. Whatever we had in the past, what little friendship...it was broken down and in its place, a formidable wall was built. Dangerous and risky to touch. Somewhat fragile. And it was all we have left.

"Get well soon, Ryan Carter," I said in my coldest and most indifferent voice and walked out of the room.

• • •

It was a dark and cloudy morning. We were having our usual classes. Of course, a minor attack by the most dreaded monsters and Mystics won't stop school. Nor Freya.

"Students! In a line, will you! This is not a park!" She barked out.

Some things never change. Whether it's a normal Palenthian school or a high-tech magical Valenthian academy.

And of course, there are changes that happen in an instant, when you will never ever expect them to happen.

There was thundering and lightning. Someone from below screamed and the lights went out. I ran through the hallways and reached the Main Hall. Eva, Bex and Nova followed me. I pushed open a long velvet curtain and heard my roommates gasp in disgust.

A massive army of slimy brown black creatures was coming towards our academy. Some flying in the air, a few walking and some as tiny as insects. Three huge pillar sort of seats were created out of those insects sliming together. On each sat Pluvia, Nebula and Niveo. They were all coming towards our academy. And I didn't have my powers. Because they stole my powers to raise the Army of Evil. And now, they were coming.

"Are those...those...," someone tried to say but failed.

Freya's jawline was set tight, her expression grim.

"Prepare to fight!"

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