23. A Duel With Love

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"Hi, there!"

The first thought my tired brain registered was, "new voice." I jumped at the sudden sound in the quietness of the huge library and turned. New face, too.

"I don't think I know you," I said, not in the mood to socialise.

We had finished cleaning up the Academy and were now free to do whatever we wanted. Most of them decided to play a game of some cards in the common room but I was really not keen on it. I hadn't seen Carter after his sudden disappearance and showed no desire to do so. I was far too tired to deal with his mood-swings. I've had enough for the day, already.

"But I do know you, Thaisa," he said, grinning.

"My name is Florentyna!" I snapped.

"Yeah well, how about Florentyna Thaisa Whats-your-last-name?" he asked with a smile.

I softened a bit as I replied, "Maybe. What do you want?"

"Your company?" he asked with confidence.

My eyebrows shot up questioningly. "Why?"

"Is it against the law to associate with a Flammantis?"

"You tell me. I am not aware of any laws you guys make."

"Nah, nothing of that sort exists."

I looked down at the huge volume I was reading and back at him. He pushed back his blonde hair that was falling in his deep blue eyes as he smiled confidently. I patted the chair beside me and he grabbed it to sit.

"What's your name?" I asked because honestly, I didn't recognise him at all.

"Arnold. You can call me Arnie if you want."

"Arnie...you aren't in my year, are you?"

"Nope. A year ahead. But that doesn't mean we can't be friends, right?"

I shrugged. "Whatever."

"What is wrong? You look sad."

"I am not," I said hastily.

"Hmm...If you say so. I heard a lot about you, you know," he said, getting a far off look.

"Like what?" I asked. Sure, there must've been many rumours about me around but I would love to know a few.

"Like you are very beautiful. The Enchantress herself called you charming. Is it true?"

I blushed slightly as I replied, "I don't remember if she did. What else?"

"That you almost killed Aeris during your Trial because she was somewhat irritating?"

"Well, yeah she was! She was damn annoying! She was being such a biscuit! No, scratch that! She is a biscuit!" I said the last part flatly.

Arnold's lips pulled into a smile as he said, "That biscuit is also my mom."

Heat rose to my cheeks and I just gaped at him for a minute before saying, "Oh my gosh! I didn't really mean that..I mean..she is cool and..oh my God! I am so sorry," I said sheepishly. Clearly, I did not think insulting a guy's mother is a good step to being his friend.

He waved his hand in a careless gesture as he said, "Don't worry about that. My mother can be a biscuit most of the times."

I nodded silently, still not sure what to do. The colour had still not left my cheeks. I looked back down again, trying to read my volume.

"Hey, really. I didn't mind that a slightest bit," he said again, laughing this time.

I glanced at him and saw the genuine smile still intact. I tentatively smiled back.

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