19. Sword Of Ignis: Unleashed

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A deathly silenced enveloped me, sucking out all the noise. I was feeling dizzy with what I just said and by the looks of the other four, they too were.

Aeris gaped at me, speechless. Apparently she wasn't expecting me to do that. But I did.

Was it stupid?

Was it necessary?

What was I thinking when I swore?
Well, I've got a blank space baby, and I don't know what I'm freaking doing!

"Someone get the sword," the Enchantress whispered.

No one answered.

"I said, someone get the blessed  sword!" the Enchantress said again, her voice rising.

"It was under your care, wasn't it Sol?" Freya asked sharply.

"Why..uhm..y-yes, so to say..i-it was, I mean, still is..I..," Sol was blabbering.

"Then summon it here, Sol. Don't give us the impression that your tongue left your blessed mouth!" Aeris snarled.

"Fine," Sol mumbled.

"Are you sure you want to do this, child?" He asked.

"She cannot back away now, so just get on with it already!" Aeris said, impatiently.

Sol muttered something under his breath. A few seconds later, I saw a blinding light hovering above Sol which slowly assumes the shape of something slender wrapped in a golden, silk cloth. It dropped down and Sol grabbed it.

He walked down towards me and held out the wrapped sword.

I sucked the air around me and dare a glance towards Carter. He was looking down at his clasped hands, his knuckles were white.

I forced myself to look at the sword and clear my head of all worries and doubts.

It won't hurt, I told myself.

I closed my eyes shut as I reached out for the wrapped thing. My eyes were still shut when I unwrapped it and felt the hilt. I wrapped my fingers around it, letting the smooth silk drop to the floor. The sword was heavy to hold.

A minute passed. Then two, then three. I stood with the sword in my hand for five long minutes. Finally, I opened my eyes to four people holding their breath, their eyes fixated on me.

I glanced back at the sword in my hand for the first time. Its hilt was decorated with rubies and amber. The blade was shining. It was cold to touch, initially.

"She is a witch! You bewitched this sword! Imprison her!" Aeris exclaimed, suddenly.

I had had about enough of that crazy woman now.

My face flushed with rage, I yelled, "How dare you accuse me of something like that?"

"You cannot talk to one of the Elements this way!" She yelled back at me.

"I don't care who you are, you stupid woman! You accused me of something terrible! Something that I would never dream to do!"

"How the hell am I to believe you, you good for nothing, troublesome Palenthian! Freya should have never let you stay! You do nothing but pollute our city with your lies!"

I tried holding back my tears but the disobedient water-droplets wouldn't listen. I was enraged at her insult. So enraged that I didn't notice the sword gradually warming in my hands or the soft yellow glow around it. I did not notice anything because I was too busy glaring at Aeris and thinking of ways to strangle her.

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