Chapter 5 - Wishing I could freeze this moment and keep it safe

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It all started that one summer...

Chapter 5 - Wishing I could freeze this moment and keep it safe


            The night was really cold, well cold for me. I was regretting wearing a dress mostly because it felt weird just wearing it. I was pretty much alone, looking at the view. I just wanted some time for myself. I needed to think or so I though. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I was falling for a guy that I just met. He was just so cute and amazing. He had the cutest smile in the world and the way he looked at me made me feel special. There was something between us, I could look into his eyes and I just felt happy, safe and loved.

            When we were alone by the beach it was so romantic. Being in his arms looking at the shore. He was warm and I could feel my heart beating fast. I was afraid he was able to hear it but right now I didn’t care. I looked at the stars and started to count them. I was really bored. Well, it was nice just to have some time for myself. I was able to think. My phone started to vibrate. I checked it and it was a tweet from a friend. She wanted me to tell her about the guy I met. I had tweeted about meeting a boy, but none of them knew who I was talking about. I wanted to keep this to myself, plus no one would ever believe me. Even if I did show them pictures.

            It’s Isco, like my favorite football player. It all felt like an unbelievable dream. I am afraid of waking up and realize it was just a dream or him finding out I am a fan and rejecting me. That would be so heartbreaking. I am his biggest fan and it means the world just meeting him.

            I put my phone down again and took a deep breath. I really should have told Jess and Emma were I was, but Jess was saying goodbye to Jenson who had to leave. He was going to return, but she planned something special as a goodbye. Emma was having dinner with the guy she met, and just before they left I had left myself without leaving a message.

            I closed my eyes and tried to keep my mind blank. I missed my family more than anything, even if I was having an amazing time. I was going to call my mom when I heard a voice behind me.

            “Why are you alone?” The voice scared me so much I almost fell from the cabana.

            “You scared me!” I said holding my chest and breathing heavily. I didn’t know if my heart was beating fast because it was Isco, or because of the scare.

            “My bad, and I am not going to say I didn’t do it on purpose, because I kind of did.” He said with a half smile. I just glared at him.

            “That was so not funny, Isco.” I said trying to stay mad at him even if it was impossible.

            “Sorry?” He said moving closer. I wanted to have him close to my again. i wanted to be able to smell his cologne and feel his warmth. I wanted to be able to run my fingers through his hair, but I stopped myself. I was going to stay mad at him even if it felt impossible.

            “NO!” I said turning away from him. It was really hard for me to stay mad at him but I tried to.

            “I said I was sorry,” He said sitting next to me. “I didn’t know you were going to get that scared” He said playing with my hair.

            “Well, I was.” I turned to him and I bit my lip. God, he was beautiful. His hair was wet and his eyes were bright. He looked amazing and his beard was now shorter that when he got here. It seemed he shaved.

             “What can I do to make you feel better?” I looked into his brown eyes and the anger faded away quickly making me smile. I didn’t want to smile, but I did. “Those that smile mean you are not angry with me anymore?” He said pushing my hair away from my face.

            “Maybe,” I said laying on the cabana and looking at the moon. “The moon looks really bright tonight.” I said and tried my best to not stare at him.

            “it does.” He said joining me. he was close to me, I knew this was because our hands touched. I didn’t even think about it and held his hand.

            “I love looking at the stars, especially when I...” I stopped myself, I wasn’t ready to tell him how I was feelings. That would be the stupidest move I could even make. I don’t want this to be a summer thing.

            “Especially when you, what?” He said sitting up straight to look at my face.

            “Nothing,” I said hiding my face with my hands. I felt so uncomfortable, it was like I was putting my walls down and it made me feel uncomfortable. I had these walls up for a reason and I wasn’t ready to let anyone in, even if it was Isco.

            “Come on, tell me.” He said trying to push them away. He removed my hands from my face and smiled. He was looking deep into my eyes, and it made me really nervous. I wanted to put my arms around his neck and pull him into a kiss, but I didn’t want to make the first move. I don’t want this to be a summer fling.

            “No!” I said pulling away from his grip. He was really strong, which made me melt on the inside because I like men that are strong.

            “Fine, be that way.” He said letting me go. He turned away from me and it seemed he was thinking. I knew my guard was down and I didn’t want him to be mad at me. In the end I decided to tell him.

            “Did you say that so I feel guilty and tell you?” I said biting my bottom lip. “It was something silly. That is why I was here. I was thinking. I wanted to be alone,” I said looking away from him. I took a deep breath because I felt naked. My walls were starting to come down for him.

            “Oh, I didn’t know you wanted to be alone.” He said sitting up straight. “I’ll leave you to your thinking.” He was about to leave. I was biting my lip and decided to do something. I turned around quickly to stop him. I wanted him to stay here with me.

            “Don’t.” I whispered and he just stood there. I felt like he could see how naked I felt. He sat back down in the cabana just watching me.

            “What?” He said trying not to laugh. My hair was completely covering up my face, this made me feel a bit more comfortable because he couldn’t see how much I was blushing. I felt like I was covering myself up even if it was just my face. He couldn’t see my face at all now he wasn’t able to read my face.

            “Nothing.” I said biting my lip.

            “You are so cute,” He said giving me a hug that took me completely by surprise. “Fine, I’ll stay.” He said and we both laid there in silence looking at the sky cuddling. I rested my head on his chest. I could feel his chest moving as he breathed. I could hear his heartbeat. He was playing with my hair and I felt like I was drifting off into sleep.

It all started that one summer... ~*~ An Isco Alarcon Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now