Chapter 14 - I have to be the luckiest man on earth

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It all started that one summer...

Chapter 14 - I have to be the luckiest man on earth


         After I spent like an hour or two in the lobby waiting to see if I ran into Katie, I decided to leave. Antonio told me all about my mom and Katie having a conversation. He didn’t want to tell me exactly what they talked about, but that had to be the reason why she reacted that way. It drove me crazy thinking that it was all my mother’s fault. I couldn’t stay there. I had to leave. I couldn’t be in a hotel with so many memories of her, and even worse staying just a few feets away from the person that caused her to act this way. I arrived at Malaga late that afternoon and the next few days I wanted to spend them alone but all of my friends kept popping up at my place. Antonio must’ve called them and told them not leave me alone. I really hated the fact that I didn’t have 1 second to myself.

         I woke up that morning and really wanted to spend the whole day in bed. I was ready to ignore my phone all day because today was supposed to be the day Katie comes back to me. I bought that ticket to surprise her and she probably never saw it. She never texted me back, but I know she read it. Thank god for whatsapp, I thought to myself but at the same time it wasn’t great. What would be better? Knowing she didn’t read the message or that she did and couldn’t even reply back?

         I pull the covers over myself again and just want to cry. I feel so empty knowing I will never be able to talk to her again. I hate this. I hate myself for not telling her about Malaga and what my mother has against her. Maybe if I told her earlier she wouldn’t have let it get to her. Maybe if I wasn’t over thinking it myself and would’ve kissed her when I had the chance things would be different. I pulled the covers off and decided to go to the gym early in the morning today, just to get her out of my mind… well try to. I grab my phone from under the pillow and see Katie’s name on my screen. I was asleep and I missed her call, I saw that underneath her missed call it said she left a voicemail. I clicked on it to see if this was real and not just a dream.

         “Hi isco,” She started to say and just hearing her voice made all this a bit more real. “I did something a bit crazy, I skipped out on my flight to America with Emms and in like 5 minutes I’ll be on my way to Malaga. I don’t know where to go when I get there, so I just wanted to let you know… and I don’t know. Just call me back. please.” She said really quickly and I was please to find out that she actually opened my present. I was about to hang up when I saw on the screen that the voice mail wasn’t over. “I miss you.”  She whispered and then followed by saying. “I’m such an idiot.” It probably was more to herself and she didn’t realize she said it out loud. I started to chuckle and I couldn’t call her back fast enough.

         Every right that she didn’t pick up was infuriating than the next. I didn’t want to hear another ring, I just wanted to hear her voice, but all I got was that weird robot telling me I couldn’t reach her and that I can leave a voicemail. I hung up and waited for her to call me back, she was probably flying right now and her phone was off. While I waited, I brushed my teeth and watched a little bit of TV. After an hour of TV, I decided to go for a run and that way I can distract myself and do my exercise for the day. I arrived back at my place and that it was, her name on my screen.

         “Isco,” She said when I picked up the phone. I couldn’t find the words to speak first, I just wanted her to speak.

         “Katie,” I said not believing it was happening. It felt like a dream come true right about now. “Are you here?”  I asked hoping to hear her say yes.

         “Yeah, the plane just landed.” She said and I closed my eyes and silently thanked God for this.

         “I’ll be there to pick you up in 30 minutes, don’t go anywhere or do anything else that is this crazy, ok? wait for me.” I said smiling to myself.

         “I promise.” She said and the call ended. I took the quickest shower of my life just to feel a bit less sticky. I grabbed the first pair of pants I saw and a shirt not really caring if it looks right, I just wanted to get there as fast as possible.

         I tried my best to get there in less than 30 minutes but traffic wasn’t on my side today and it took me about an hour. I arrived at the airport and called Katie. I found her in a bench at one of the entrances. It’s only been like 3 days since the last time I saw her and she looked different to me. I parked my car, got out of my car and just watcher for a moment. This was real, she was here. Katie had her long hair in a side braid, like the first time I saw her. Her face was buried in a book and she looked unhappy. She pushed back a strand of hair that got loose and looked up ready to search for me. She started to bite her lip and stood up from the bench while I walked towards her.

         Neither of us knew what to do first. Do we hug? Do I kiss her cheek as a greeting? We stood there looking at our feets and occasionally looking up and making eye contact but then looking back down. Katie started tugging at her long sleeved shirt and that is when I noticed she the bracelet I gave her on. I didn’t have to think it twice now and I just pulled her into my arms and kissed her forehead. It took her a moment to react to my hug and put her arms around me. She squeezed me tight and buried her face in my chest. I really hope she doesn’t mind that I might be a bit smelly.

         “It’s nice to have you back in my arms.” I said wanting her to know how I was feeling.

         “I’m sorry, Isco.” She said making her grip tighter. “I really didn’t mean those things. I know this will work, I just…” She said letting go of me. She looked my face and she didn’t have to say how she felt, I could see it in her eyes.

         “You were scared that I was playing with your feelings.” I said finishing her sentence. She nodded at me and started to bite her thumb trying to hide the smile that appeared out of nowhere. “Let’s go to my place, we can talk about everything there.” I said walking her to my car. I put her luggage in the trunk of my sports car. I opened the car door for her and then got in myself.

         Once we were both inside the car she started to fill the silence with idle chat. She told me about what she did in England and the concert. She mostly talked about the concert, but I wasn’t in the mood to point it out. She didn’t mention how she felt after the fight or reading my message and I was finding it hard to bring up the subject.

         “All I did in England was think of you,” She said and started to bite her lip. “and how I made the stupidest mistake.” She said and I was glad that she brought it up herself.

         “Why did you do it then?” I said finally saying the question that was bugging me the most.

         “Your mom asked me to do it.” She said looking at her hands. Her reply shouldn’t have taken me so by surprise but it did. Why would my mother ask her to do this?

         “She did?” I asked her wanting to make sure because I didn’t want to believe it and Katie just nodded at me.

         “She told me a lot of things, like you being in a long distance relationship before..” She said and still she couldn’t face me. “Antonio told me you would tell me when you were ready, but all the secrets drome me crazy. Not knowing was killing me, and I just couldn’t look at you because I was so mad.” She said and started to cry. “I did what I always do, I pushed you away.” She said and I just wanted to pull her in my arms.

          I was more than happy when I saw my building. I parked my car and was able to pull her in my arms. She didn’t cry that much because once I put my arms around her she started to calm down. I kissed her forehead and started to rock her just to calm her down. “Let’s go upstairs and I’ll tell you all about it now.” I said rubbing her shoulder and leading the way.

It all started that one summer... ~*~ An Isco Alarcon Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now