Chapter 45 - Our Future

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It all started that one summer...


Chapter 45 - Our future




          I think everyone knew how happy I was, we we were all happy. We were in the finals. We can wn La Copa del Rey. It has been stressful season, and we are so close to our goal. I was bothering Katie via twitter. Our relationship was out in the open, at least her twitter was public. My fans knew she was my girlfriend, and some of them hated her while others wished to see more pictures of her. Katie liked to keep our pictures private. She like them being our own little things.

          She kept ignoring my tweets and messages because she was busy. I sometimes didn’t know when to stop, and she would get really angry at me, for about 10 minutes. The only reply I got was ‘Let me finish with these test, see you at the game. kisses’. I had the best fans because they also tried to get her attention for me.

          Things between us are better than ever. We don’t have these moment when we miss each other deeply. I think it’s because we know that soon we have a month for ourselves and after that we’ll be living near each other. I tweeted her again and I finally got another reply. I started to laugh and Portillo, who was right next to me, started to laugh too.

          “You should really stop.” He said putting his phone on the table.

          “I know…” I said still laughing. “It’s just so easy to bother her.”

          “I still don’t know how she can put up with you when you are like this.” He said leaning back.

          “Because she loves me.” I said pretty sure of myself.

          “Lucky you,” That was when I knew something happened to hm. Me being the great friend I am, I tried to cheer him up.

          Portillo was having some problems with his girlfriend. She has been really jealous recently, and he doesn’t know what to do. Right when I was about to give him some advice, Katie called me. I can call her later, I thought to myself and ignored the call. I continued to help my friend. He needed me, and I wasn’t one to leave people when they needed someone.

          “Thanks man,” Portillo said as we got off the bus. I smiled and pulled out my phone. I was still thinking about something Portillo said. He was right. How do you know which one is the one?  Was Katie the one? I knew I said something along the lines of that before, but the thought scary. I think Katie is the one, but how can  really know. I wanted to stop thinking about this, so I ended up calling the familiar number.

          “You send me 10 messages on twitter and I only answer two, then when I call you, you decide to ignore me…” Was her greeting and I interrupted her.

          “I love you too,” I said smiling.

          “Not funny, you know.” and I noticed her tone was not one I liked at all. She was actually mad at me and I had to fix it now. “I got called a bitch for not answering your calls… these girls expect me to drop everything for you? I’m working for crying out loud.”

          “Hey hey, you are my bitch.” I said and I hoped she smiled. “and I don’t want you to drop your work for me… got it?” I said making her giggle. “I was going to answer, but I was talking to Portillo. He needed someone to talk to.”

          “Did he finally talk?” She said and I smiled. She always knew when people needed to talk or when something was wrong. “I tried talking to him last tuesday, but he avoided the subject.”

          “He did.” I said with a smile. That was one of the things I loved about her. She worried about everyone else even people she didn’t  know so well. She always forgot about her self, but that is why I am here.

          “Good,” She said. Pellegrini wanted us to go to bed early, so I knew I had to keep this conversation short. He still had no idea who was going to play or who was going to sit this one out.

          “See you tomorrow?” I said smiling.

          “You have to go to bed early?” She said groaning.

          “Yes,” I said sitting next to Portillo. He was on the phone too. I hoped he was trying to fix things with his girlfriend.

          “Can we at least talk for a while.” She asked and I was happy to say yes. “Well, I need to tell you something.” She said sounding exciting. “I called my mom today, and she pretty much has our entire trip to Miami planned.”

          “Really?” I asked

          “Yes! She wants to show you off to everyone.” Katie didn’t sound excited about that.

          “I would love that. I can’t wait to see her again.” I said laughing.

          “It’s really boring.” She said.

          “Perfect.” I said and I realized I was a bit tired.

          “Hey, I forgot something.” She said quickly.

          “What?” I asked quickly.

          “I love you.” SHe said and I knew I was smiling like a complete idiot. “You said it earlier and I didn’t say it back.”

          “You are so cute.” I said really loud and everyone looked at me. Katie started to laugh and so did all my teammates. They were very few times when they could make fun of me, and this was one of them.

          After dinner with the team, I went back to my room. Katie and I skyped that night. We talked about a lot of things, but mostly the topic was about the offers I had. I mentioned all of them, but I didn’t mentioned the one I was considering the most. I didn’t want her to get excited about it. Katie took out her camera and took a picture of us skyping and uploaded to twitter to calm down my fans. I rted it of course.

It all started that one summer... ~*~ An Isco Alarcon Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now