Chapter 36 - do you want to watch a movie?

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It all started that one summer...

Chapter 36 - do you want to watch a movie?


          When I reached the corner, Katie was waiting for me. I had told the guys that Katie was here, but I did not tell them why she came yesterday. They wanted to spend time with Katie, so we were all going to meet up for lunch. Katie opened the car door, and when she got inside she smiled.

          “Hey…” She said giving me a kiss.

          “Hey!” I said giving her a kiss. She looked amazing in her jeans and sweater. “The guys want to meet you…” I said and started driving.

          “They do?” She said all confused. She took off her beanie and started braiding her hair. “I would like to meet them too.” She said with a smile. I drove to the restaurant we all planned and the team was all there. Katie’s face was amazing when she saw them. She was taking it all in as they all greeted her with hugs. I pulled out the chair for her to sit down. “It’s nice to meet you all,” She said with a shy smile and smiled at everyone.

          “Katie, when are you moving here?” Joaquin asked. She was surprised when Joaquin spoke.

          “We are kind of waiting for the right moment.” Katie said looking up at me with a smile.

          “and it’s not any time soon.” I finished her sentence and she smiled at me.

          “Isco told us you got a job.” said Ignacio Camacho who was sitting next to Katie. “How is it going?”

          “It’s amazing.” Katie said looking at Ignacio really excited. She loved talking about her job. “I help an English teacher at a school near my apartment. To make the class fun for the kids every Monday I tell the kids to write about their favorite teams, well the boys and some of the girls. The girls always choose to write about bands they like and stuff like that.” She had told me the story before, and all the guys were paying close attention to what she was saying. “There is this one boy who adores Malaga.”

          “Does he know you are dating Isco?” Joaquin said interrupting her.

          “No,” Katie said with a giggle. “Actually, I was going to tell him.” She said looking at me. “The boy knows how much I love Barcelona.”

          “Things can change.” Said Jesus Gamez, we all started to laugh.

          We had a really great time. The food was ok, and the time with Katie was special. I wanted to spend the rest of the afternoon with her alone. While we were eating dessert Joaquin asked a question that took Katie by surprise.

          “Which city do you like more, Málaga or Barcelona?” He asked, she started thinking and I was pretty sure what her answer was going to be. She turned to look up at me and then answered.

          “I’ve only been here 2 weeks and spent 3 weeks in Barcelona,” She smiled and looked up at me again. “Even though Barcelona is where my team is at and all that… I kind of like Malaga more.” Her answer took me by surprise. I never expected her to say that.

          “really?” I didn’t realize I said the words out loud until she messed up my hair and spoke again.

          “Yes, Malaga has a homey feelings.” She said looking at the team. “I think it’s because of Isco.” She said giggling and kissed my cheek. We said our goodbyes to the guys and she was still smiling when we left the restaurant. I had my arm around her waist and when we walked out there were a group of girls taking pictures. Katie was caught by surprise and she didn’t know what do. “This is a first.” She whispered in my ear.

          “Pretty much,” I said kissing her cheek and we got into my car. “Now that was weird.” I said as I turned on the car. “What do you want to do?” I asked her.

          “Whatever you want to do.” She said with a big smile. I decided to just drive around the city. We had out windows down and it was just amazing. At around 5 we decided to head back to my place.

          She hadn’t touched her camera all afternoon, and I kind of expected her to pull it out of her purse and start taking pictures. She put her purse on the table next to the door and then walked over to me. he gave me this sexy smile that made me wonder what she was thinking. She started biting her lip then kissed me. It was a simple kiss. She smiled at me and then walked over to the couch.

          “Do you want to watch a movie?” She said raising an eyebrow at me.

          “Sure.” I said looking for a movie. I picked one and put it on the dvd player and sat next to her. She rested her head on my shoulder and I started to play with her hair. I don’t think we watched the movie after that because she decided to kiss me and we started making out. Her lips were sweet and as I touched her body it felt warm. When I kissed her neck she started giggling and it was all downhill from there.

It all started that one summer... ~*~ An Isco Alarcon Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now