Chapter 2

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"Children are magic because they look for it."

Two sets of feet landed on the bottom step of the stairs, showing the two sibling who woke up in the morning.

Hayes Lawson was holding her younger sister's hand in his, tightly, as he guided her small body down the stairs slowly. He was steps ahead of her, and patiently waited as Charee made small steps.

They were both in their pajamas, Hayes wearing plain navy blue while Charee was wearing plain white. It looked vintage yet somehow seemed new. From where she and Mrs. Helen sat, they can see clearly how both children rubbed their sleepy eyes awake.

It was Hayes that notice her first, his head tilted to the side in confusion. There was a strange face in the house and he was curious.

As the two walked towards the kitchen, Maureen prepared herself to introduce herself. She didn't how they were in the morning, so she had to be careful in approaching two small children since she is, technically, still a stranger. 

Hayes stopped by the edge of the dining table, a few inches where she was previously seated. The little boy was curious, a bit wary, but not afraid.

"Hi." she greeted, softly and shortly. She bent two knees in order to be leveled with Hayes, as she greeted him first. She gave time for Charee to cutely rub her sleepy eyes once more as an adorable yawn came from her mouth.

"Hello." the 7 year old boy greeted back, his hand still holding his sister's. 

"My name is Maureen, and I'll be working here from now on. I'll be your nanny. It's very nice to meet you, Hayes." she spoke quietly with a smile, but not slow. Just enough for a boy of his age to comprehend.

She found, in years of working in children, that their vocabulary improves when not baby talked. It helps with toddlers, but starting at 4, it was better to use complete sentences for communication so that they'd learn words completely and easily when time for school comes. It was also a part of their study when she was in college, and it proved to be true and helpful.

Hayes released a small smile from his lips and nodded, mumbling a small 'nice to meet you too', as his eyes drifting to Mrs. Helen. As if on cue, Mrs. Helen opened cupboards and prepared breakfast for them. They didn't have strict meal plans, but their dad preferred if they ate healthily. 

She'd have to see how they respond to vegetables and fruits.

Turning to the 4 year old girl who seemed to want to sleep some more, Maureen lowered herself to match hers. Charee was now staring at her, her small hands on the side. 

"Hello, Charee." Maureen clasped her hands together and smiled as she talked.

"Hi..." her greeting was adorably prolonged, the 'i' dragging on. 

"I'll be staying here from now on, and I'll be the one to take care of you and your siblings. It's very nice to meet you." she spoke, her tone a pitch higher than earlier, and speech low. She was careful not to use heavy words.

It was important that they understood her and her intention, and that she brings nothing but care for them.

"Hmmkay..." Charee responded, now distracted by the cereal placed in the dining table.

She knew it was different from their usual attitude, since it was still early in the morning and they were freshly awoken. She had to wait until they were ready for the day.

"Do you wanna sit down?" Maureen asked the child, her eyes looking at the chair available beside Hayes, who was fixing utensils by his and Charee's plates.

Maureen smiled and stood up as Charee nodded, stepping near her with her small feet. Maureen carefully placed her arms around the small child, under her armpit, and carefully lifted her up. She was just the right weight for her age, and Maureen was used to carrying even three children at a time, so it was easy.

To her surprise, Charee's hands automatically found their place on her shoulders and clasped while her legs was around her stomach, swinging back and forth. She was comfortable in Maureen's arms.

'So cute' Maureen squealed in her head, and she had to stop herself from smothering the child with a hug.

She's always been told that she had that charm for children. They easily approach her and behaved properly whenever she was around, like she had magic around her. How she wished it was true.

As she pulled the chair and made sure it was stable, she set Charee slowly, pulling her dining mat close to her and letting her grab her own utensils. 

"I'll check on Harper and the babies." she said, smiling at Mrs. Helen who smiled at her. Before she walked towards the stairs, a smile showed on her face as she looked back on Hayes and Charee who were stuffing their faces with breakfast, milk dripping down their chin.

'So, so cute.'

Maureen walked up to the second floor and towards the first room. She knocked lightly, thinking that the eldest girl of the family was awake and were catering to her siblings.

When she didn't hear anything, she gently opened the door, dimmed room greeting here. There was minimal light coming to the room since the curtain wasn't drawn. The room was just the right size for children to sleep and play in. 

Her eyes adjusted themselves, recognizing corners, cribs and toys inside. There was a bumper bed on the right side of the room, and a double crib on the other. The space in the middle had a soft carpet laid onto it, with some toys scattered around the side.

She guessed that the two youngest children of the household resided in the crib. Walking slowly, Maureen neared the cribs and peeked, seeing that both babies were still sleeping soundly. Mrs. Helen did say that they don't get up until eight in the morning at average.

The two sleeping babies remained asleep as she gazed at them, soft snores and leg kicks tossed here and there. They were wearing onesies that seemingly matched. She wasn't quite sure because of the dark. 

Maureen felt the surprise when the door suddenly opened, the light from outside blinding her for a second.

Standing there was the eldest, Harper Lawson, and Hayes' twin sister. She, like her brother, wore plain navy blue pajamas with fuzzy slippers.

She couldn't deny that this little girl held beauty. She had such beautiful eyes and lashes. Well, all of the five children were beautiful.

"Hello." she greeted while standing up properly, walking towards the girl who was standing by the door. "I assume you're-" she didn't get to finish her sentence when Harper cut her off.

"Who are you?" she asked with hostility, her brows furrowed, hand clenched on the door knob. 

"I'm Maureen, and I'll be your new nanny from now on." she answered quickly and with a smile, knowing that a lady stranger in her youngest siblings' room might freak her out. It was best to give a quick and clear answer. "It's nice to meet you, Harper."

Her right hand automatically raised themselves, offering a handshake. She had a feeling that Harper had a mature persona, even for a seven year old.

Harper's eyes remained wary, staring at her as if she'd do something bad anytime. Of course, she understood. It was good that she had that elderly responsibility towards her siblings, she knew not to trust strangers so easily. 

Maureen remained smiling, her hand still raised. 

It was seconds after when Harper turned around and continued to the stairs, further ignoring her. Her hand dropped to her sides as she let out a small chuckle.

Well, at least she knew the person who she had to woo first.


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