Reunited 🌟 Tony Stark's Sister

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Word Count: 554
Warnings: None
Backstory: You and Tony are siblings. Tony was making a time machine. You decided you wanted to try out. The experiment went wrong though. You were stuck in 1950 for 70 years.

"Come on Tony! Let me try it out!" I said jumping up and down.

"Fine. But don't tell mom and dad." He said.

I yelled in excitement.

"You need to wear this helmet and suit. I can track your were-bouts and bring you back in ten seconds, okay?" He said. I nodded and walked onto the flat surface.

"Ready?" He said.

"Ready!" I said and giggled.

"Ok. In, 3.. 2.. 1.." he pressed a button.

I fell down to the ground. I was in an alleyway. He did it.



I pressed the button to bring her back. It did nothing. "Shit.." I swore and tried to fix it.

The buttons exploded and everything was rewinded. "No, no, no, no!" I yelled.

I dropped to my knees and bursted out in tears. My sister was gone..



20 years later..

Tony was now 47 years old. It had been 20 years since Y/n had disappeared.

He had been trying to get you back ever since but has recently given up.

It was now endgame and they were building the machine to bring everyone back.

After the fight and everyone was brought back, they went back to the compound. *in this book it's not destroyed*

A loud bang was heard from the room with the teleportation machine.

"What the hell was that?" Steve asked.
"I have no idea." Tony said and ran into the room.

There was a figure trying to catch its breath. "What the hell?! Who are you?" Tony yelled.

Then she looked up. "Tony?.."

Tony's eyes widened and he ran up. "Y/n?"


I ran up to her. I just wanted to hug her. "Stop!" She yelled and pulled a gun on me.

"Y/n?.. it's me. Tony.." I said confused.

"How the hell are you still alive?" She asked in fright.

"Y/n.. it's been 20 years." I said.

"No! It's been 70!" She yelled scared.

"W-what?" I said confused and a bit scared.

"It's been 20 years for you but, it has been 70 years for me since you sent me back.." she said in pure hatred.

"Y/n.. I didn't mean to. There was a mistake.." I said as a tear fell down my cheek.

She saw the tear and immediately felt bad. "Tony.." she said. I pulled her into a hug.


He hugged me and I hugged back.

"Tony. It's not your fault." I said into his chest.

I was still 21 and Tony was now 47..

This didn't make sense, but at least I had Tony now.

I looked over his shoulder and saw everyone.

"Everyone. This is my twin sister Y/n." Tony said.

"Twin?!" A man with a star on his chest said.

"Yes Steve. My twin." Tony said. I smiled and waved. They all waved back.

I turned to Tony. "I missed you so much." I hugged him.

"I missed you to shorty."

"Yeah no.. we're not going to call me that again." I said.

He laughed and we hugged each other for the longest time ever.

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