Diabetes 🌟 Bruce Banner's Daughter

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Word Count: 342 (sorry this one's short)
Warnings: None
Background: Your Bruce's daughter and you have diabetes. You live at the avengers tower.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of water.

"Hey sweetie." My dad said kissing my forehead. "Hey dad. What's up?" I asked. "I got a lot of stuff to work out in the lab today. Will you be okay?" He asked. "Yes." I smiled.

He smiled at me and walked back to the lab.

I sat down at the counter and ate some breakfast.

A few hours later I started to feel dizzy but thought nothing of it.

I walked into the living room and saw Steve and Bucky. "Hey Y/n." Bucky smiled. "Hey.." I said. "You okay? You look pale." Steve said concerned. "Yeah.. I'm.. fine.." I said slowly and then fainted..


I watched as Y/n's eyes rolled back. I jumped up and caught her before she hit the ground. She was so pale.

"Y/n?!" I said scared. I picked her up and Bucky followed behind me into Bruce's lab.

"BRUCE!" I yelled. "In here!" He yelled. "BRUCE!" I yelled as I walked in carrying Y/n.

"Omg! What happened?!" He said concerned and cleaning off his table.

"She fainted.." I said placing her down.

"Okay." He said checking her vitals.


I woke up feeling extremely dizzy.

I sat up slowly and looked around me. I saw Bucky, Steve, and my dad sitting on chairs. "Dad? Steve? Bucky?" I said.

"Y/n?" My dad hopped up followed by Steve and Bucky. "How you feeling?" Bucky asked. "I feel dizzy, but I'm okay.." I smiled.

"Y/n.. did you know you have diabetes?" My dad asked. "No?" I said confused. "That's why you fainted. You have type 1."

"Oh.." I said. "Your gonna have to take some insulin everyday or you'll faint." My dad said. I nodded and got up.

"I have training with Natasha." I said.

"Okay. Have fun." My dad smiled. I smiled back and left.

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