Escape 🌟 Natasha Romanoff

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Word Count: 450
Warnings: Mention of Rape, and Torture.
Background: Your Natasha's daughter. You've been in the red room all your life. You escape one day and find your mom.


"Wrong! AGAIN!"

I tried my best to hit the target in front of me. I missed and missed.

"AGAIN ROMANOFF!" The widows shouted.

I threw another knife. It hit the middle. Bullseye!

"Good job Romanoff. It's progress." Dreykov said.

I nodded and walked back to my cell. I sat down on my small bed and started to think.

'This can't be my life. Mom would have wanted me to get out. I have to find a way out..' I thought to myself.

I was in deep thought. I was thinking of ways to escape. I had to.

"Romanoff!" A widow yelled opening my cell door.

"Come!" She instructed. I followed her exact orders. I wasn't about to be punished.

"Romanoff.. sit." Dreykov instructed.

I did as I was told. "What is this about?" I asked.

"It's time for your experiments." He said grinning. I looked at him confused.

A few men entered my cell and everyone else left. I was extremely confused.

The men started to remove my clothing. I was extremely confused.

They removed all of my clothes. One of the men started to remove his.

"Do not move!" He yelled and removed his clothes.

All the other men backed up and watched. The man started to rape me.

I screamed and screamed. The other men laughed. After he was finished he put my clothes back on.

They continued to do experiments on me with different serums after.

Everyday the men would rape and torture me.

A few weeks later I had come up with a plan to escape.

I got out of bed one morning and walked through the halls. I hopped into a vent and crawled through.

I reached the outside part of the compound. I hopped the fence and ran.

I ran until I felt dizzy and my legs were about to give out. I reached somewhere with a big 'A' on top of it.

"Hello?!" I shouted through the halls.

A woman stepped out. "Momma?" I said. "Y/n?!" She ran to me.

"Momma!" I ran to her. "Omg.." she hugged me tight. "What did they do to you?" She asked as she looked down between my legs.

I wore white pants and I was bleeding between my legs.

"Y/n.." she said as a tear fell down her face. "Mom.." I smiled sadly. I continued to hug her tight.

"It's gonna be okay. Your safe." She said grabbing my face. I smiled as she kissed my forehead. "I'm safe.." I whispered to myself.

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