Sixteen 🌟 Peter Parker

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Word Count: 786
Warnings: None
Background: Your 32, and your a teenage single mom. Your son is 16 years old. Your son is a result of a teenage pregnancy. His dads name is Tony Stark. Your son is Peter.

I know my son is Spider-Man. We tell each other everything.

Peter is my son. I had him when I was 16. He was an accidental pregnancy, but also my hope. I love him with all my heart. His father is Tony Stark. He knows that of course.

"Peter! Dinners ready!" I yelled through our two room apartment.

"Coming Mom!" He yelled and ran into the kitchen. "Slow down baby. Your gonna fall." I giggled. He smiled and slowed down.

"Sorry mom." He kissed my forehead.

"Hey, I was wondering if maybe I could go to prom with MJ?" He asked.

I smiled, "Of course. Just use protection."

"Mom! I'm 16!" He said embarrassed.
"And I'm 33." I said. He looked at me confused and then remembered.

"Oh yeah. Don't worry mom. We're not that close yet." He said. I smiled and nodded. "Just take this." I threw him a condom. "Mom!" He yelled turning red.

"I'm serious. I don't want you to have a baby yet." I said seriously. "Sure mom." He smiled putting the condom into his pocket.

"Mom?" Peter said. "Yeah baby?" I said placing his food in front of him. "Mr.Stark offered me a job.." he said.

I spit out my water. "What?!" I yelled.

"Look, I know he's my dad, but I was hoping maybe I could at least do this job." He said. I smiled. "Pete, your father doesn't know you exist." I said ashamed. "W-what?.." he said confused.

"He left me for another girl before I found out I was pregnant.." I said.

"What?! That bastard!" He yelled. "PETER! Language!" I scolded. "Sorry. But seriously. What a loser!" He said.

"Why don't I drop you off tomorrow and then we can tell him." I said.

"Okay." Peter said and started to eat his food.

The next day I woke Peter up. "Wake up! Todays the big day baby!" I yelled. He jumped up and stuck to the ceiling. "Omg.. I'm so sorry." I laughed as he flopped back down on his bed. "It's fine mom.." he said catching his breath.

"Get dressed. We're leaving in ten minutes." I said closing his door.

Ten minutes later, me and Peter started to drive to the compound. "You nervous mom?" He asked. "Yes.." I smiled. He grabbed my hand. "It'll be okay." He whispered. I smiled and kissed his hand. "I know.."

We arrived at the compound and got out of the car. Peter and I walked into the compound. I saw Tony talking to a bunch of people. "You go ahead." I smiled. He nodded and walked up to Tony. Tony hugged him and patted his back. 'What a dick..' I thought to myself.

"Oh. Mr. Stark. I brought my mother." He said. Tony walked towards me. "Hey. I'm Tony." He said. "I'm aware, Dickhead.." I whispered the last part. "What was that?" He asked. "Nothing." I said.

"So what's your name?" Tony asked. I scoffed. Peter walked beside me. "Really?" Peter said frustrated. "Y/n Parker." I said. Tony looked at me in shock. "Y/n?" Tony asked. "Yes, dickhead." I said. He looked at Peter and then me.

"Okay. This was fun. By the way Peter's your son." I said and stormed out into the car. I was beyond frustrated.


"Uhh, Mr. Stark?" I said while he stared at me. "Your my son?" He asked confused.

I nodded. "Yes. My mom said that you left her for another woman." I said.

He looked down, "I didn't know she was pregnant." He said.

"Of course you didn't." I said quietly.

"I'm sorry.." he said. "For what?" I asked. "For not being there for you.." he said. "It's okay. I hope we can get to know each other more.." I said. "Yeah. Me too." He said. I hugged him. He stiffened but then hugged me back.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you.." my mom walked back in with tears falling down her face.

"No.. no.." Tony said as he cupped her face. "I shouldn't have left you. I loved you.." he said. I smiled. "You did?" She said surprised. "Yeah. I did." He said. He wasn't lying.

"I loved you too. I still do.." my mom said. I smiled. "I love you too." Tony said and kissed her. I ran up and hugged then both. "I love you mom and dad." I said. They both smiled and hugged me. "We love you too." They both said. I smiled.

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