Hurt 🌟 Bucky's Sister

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Word Count: 725
Warnings: Abuse, Alcohol, and Stabbing.
Background: Your Bucky's sister. You have telekinesis and the power to control the elements. You were in Hydra with Bucky. You have a boyfriend and he's very abusive.

The scent hits you as soon as you walk into your apartment. Alcohol. He's always drunk.

He always is violent when he gets drunk. He hits me a lot. Nobody knows. I chose to keep that to myself. I didn't want to get in more trouble as is.

I walked into the kitchen and placed my keys down.

My boyfriends bedroom door slammed open. He stormed out and stood in front of me.

"You stupid bitch!" He yelled and hit me across the face. My lip started bleeding. That was great..

"What did I do?" I said in a whimper. "Don't talk back you whore!" He yelled and punched me.

I whimpered in pain and stumbled backwards.

He pinned me on the floor and repeatedly hit me. I was bleeding from my nose and mouth.

He passed out drunk beside me and I got up. I walked into the bathroom and cleaned myself up.

I locked the door and fell asleep in the tub.

The next morning I put on loads of makeup and walked to work.

I worked at S.H.I.E.L.D. I was a part time avenger. My brother Bucky was an avenger as well. More than I was.

I walked inside and was welcomed by Steve and Tony.

"Hey y/n." They both said. I smiled and waved.

I walked upstairs and headed to the kitchen. I waited for any mission updates. Other than that I just hung out.

Everyone was sitting in the living room. I decided to join them. Natasha looked at me in pity. I knew that she knew. "What?" I said to Natasha. "Are you okay?" Everyone looked at me. "Yeah. I'm fine why?" I said. "What's with the layers of makeup then?" Natasha asked. I looked at her, "I'm gonna head home." I said and started to walk out.

"Are you sure you want to go home?" Natasha said stopping me in my tracks. "Yes. Why?" I said and looked away. "Because home isn't safe.." Natasha said. "Listen, I don't know what your implying, but I'm fine." I said and walked away.

Everyone watched as I left. "What was that?" Bucky asked Natasha. "I'm following her. Somethings not right." She said. "What do you mean?" Steve asked. "I think something bad is happening there." She said and got up.

Everyone but Bruce followed her out. They jumped in her car and drove to my house.

Meanwhile, I was walking towards my door. I stopped in front of it for a minute hearing a voice come towards the door. "I know your home you slut!" He yelled.

I backed up and turned around and started to run down the street. My boyfriend opened the door and started to chase me.

"Come back here!" He yelled. I turned around backing up slowly when he came closer to me. I couldn't run anymore. I was so tired.

I stopped and looked at him in fear. "Come on!" He grabbed me and dragged me back home.

"Stop.." I said pulling at his arm. He threw me on the lawn and slapped me.

I yelped in pain.


I watched as he hit my sister. I gasped and got out of the car silently. I walked up to him and pushed him away from her.

I punched him over and over again in the face. "Bucky.." I heard a voice say. I turned around and saw my sister holding her stomach. She had been stabbed.

I gasped and picked her up. I ran back to the car. "HOSPITAL! NOW!" I yelled and Natasha sped off.

We got to the hospital and they rushed her into surgery. "Mr. Barnes" a doctor called. I jumped up. "She's alright. You can see her now." The doctor said.

I sighed in relief and ran into her room. I saw her connected to cords and broke into tears.

"Don't cry." I heard her say.

I jumped up and kissed her forehead.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked confused.

"I'm sorry. I should have.." She said.

"It's gonna be okay." I said and placed my hand on hers. "Your gonna be okay.."

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