Daddy 🌟 Tony Stark

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Word Count: 538
Warnings: None
Backstory: Your pregnant with Tony's baby. He breaks up with you before you get the chance to tell him. 6 years later he finds you again.

How is this possible?! We always use protection?! Why now? We're not doing good as if.

I looked back down at my lap. 'Pregnant'. The test stared me in the eye. A tear escaped my eye. I wrapped the test in toilet paper and put it in my pocket.

I walked into Tony's lab and stood at the door. "Tony can we talk?" I asked.

"Yeah. I was thinking that too.." he said.

"Ok. What do you wanna say?" I asked.

"I think we should break up." He said.

"What?!" I said surprised.

"I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry." He said. A tear fell down my cheek.

"What did you wanna say?" He asked. "Nothing.." I said and walked out.

I packed my bags and left that night.

I cried in my bed all night long. I was staying in a new apartment I had just bought.

What was I gonna do?


5 years later..

"Mommy! I can't sleep." My daughter Morgan cried. I picked her up and snuggled with her.

"It's okay baby.." I said snuggling into her.

"Can you sing me a song please?" She asked. "Sure baby." I smiled.

I sang her a song and she fell asleep in my lap. I carried her up to her bed and placed her there. I kissed her forehead.

The next morning, me and Morgan walked downtown hand-to-hand.

We walked into McDonald's and stood in line. We ordered our meal and walked outside.

We sat at a table and started to eat our food.

A black Mercedes pulled in. I didn't know who it was nor cared. "Mommy?" I looked at Morgan.

"Yes babe?" I smiled.
"I need help." I smiled at the sight of yogurt on her nose.

I wiped it off and she continued eating.

Someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and my heart dropped.

"Y/n?" Tony said.
"H-hey Tony.." I said shocked.

Tony looked at Morgan. "Who's this young woman?" Tony asked.

"My names Morgan." She said. I smiled.

Tony didn't realize. "Where's your mommy?" He asked confused.
She giggled, "Your silly. Mommy is right here." She pointed at me.

"Okay. Time to go home miss." I said and grabbed her hand and food.

"Wait!" Tony called after me.
"Who's your daddy?" He asked her.

"I don't know.." she said and hopped into the car. I buckled her up and shut the door.

"Is she mine?" Tony asked in shock.
"Yes." I said and walked towards my door.

He placed his hand over it so I couldn't open it. "Why didn't you tell me?" He said as a tear fell.

"I was going to." I said looking down at my feet.
"I'm sorry." He said and grabbed my hand.

I shook my head, "No. I'm sorry. I should have told you anyway." I said.
"Can I meet her for real this time?" He asked.

I nodded. I opened the back seat door.

"Hey Morgan. I'm your daddy." He said.

She jumped up and squeezed him tightly. "DADDY!!"

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