Deadly Sickness 🌟 Bucky's Daughter

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Word Count: 669
Warnings: Cancer
Background: Your Bucky's daughter. You've been diagnosed with Cancer and have to find a way to tell your dad and family.

I have been coughing up blood all night. I've been trying my best to hide it from my dad.

I only had about 5 months left to live. I've spent more time with him as much as I could.

I was diagnosed with Leukaemia about a year ago. I kept it from my dad because I didn't want him to worry about me.

I woke up weak one morning and walked slowly down the hall.

I lived in the compound with my dad and the team. I just lived there. I wasn't an avenger even though my dad has asked me to be one.

I walked into the kitchen, everyone was already in there. "Hey guys." I smiled. "Hey sweetie." Bucky smiled and rubbed my head. I smiled and walked over to the sink and grabbed a cup of water.

I started to drink it and then realized blood was in the water. I spit it in the sink and washed my mouth out.

"Hunny? You ok?" My dad asked concerned. "I'm fine. Just bit my lip." I said. He smiled and nodded. I saw Bruce eyeing me like pray. He knew something was up.

I sat at the table and started to do my homework. I still felt Bruce's eyes on me. I looked at him and his eyes widened. I didn't understand so I turned away back to my homework.

A few minutes later blood dropped on my homework. I covered my nose and realized it was bleeding. "Shit.." I mumbled.

I grabbed tissue and put it on my nose. It wouldn't stop. "Y/n?" Bruce said concerned. "Yeah?" I said holding the tissue to my nose. "I have something that might help with that." He said. I nodded and followed him into the lab.

"You have cancer right?" Bruce asked as soon as he shut the door. "Yeah.." I said looking down at my feet as a tear fell.

"Y/n.." he said. "I don't want your pity Banner.." I said. "I'm not pitying you. I'm just saying, you should tell your dad or I will. This is serious.." he said. I looked at him.

"I know.." I said quietly as he fixed my nose. "Take these two times a day and the symptoms will go away in a few hours." He said. I nodded and took them.

I left the room and walked up to my dads room. I stood at the door for at least 7 minutes until he opened the door.

"Oh y/n. What's up baby?" My dad asked.
"I need to talk to you about something." I said. "Okay?" He said worried and let me in.

I walked past him and started pacing. "Your not pregnant are you?" He asked. "God no!" I yelled.

"Good. What's up?" He asked.
"I-" I started to cry.

"Hey.. hey.. it's okay.." He comforted me.
"I'm sorry.." I cried. "I'm so sorry.."

"Hey? What is it? It can't be that bad?" He frowned. "I-I have cancer.." I said in a whisper.

"W-what?.." he asked as tears formed in his eyes. "D-did I hear that right?"

"I have cancer. Leukaemia." I said crying.
"Oh doll.." he cried and hugged me tight.

"How long?" He asked.
"5 months at most.." I said crying.

He bursted into sobs.
We cried all night long.


4 months later. I told everyone about my cancer and they have been super supportive and keep making sure I'm comfortable.

One morning I fainted. "Omg! Y/n!" I heard my father yell.

I remember drifting off into the darkness towards a light.


I listened as her heart beat got slower and slower. I knew it was happening. She was ready.

Then I heard a long silence. She was gone. I bursted into loud hard sobs. She was gone. My baby girl was gone.

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