Melodies 🌟 Bucky Barnes

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Word Count: 514
Warnings: None
Background: You are Bucky's girlfriend. You have a 3 year old daughter. You haven't told Bucky yet bc you've only been dating for a year.

I sat Izzy (daughters name) into her highchair and started making her cereal.

I was dancing and singing to a song I put on. I started singing 9 to 5.

My daughter laughed at me as I started to dance around. I smiled at her and kissed her head. I used the spoon as a microphone. She laughed hard.

I kept lip singing and sat her cereal down. "Mommy!" She laughed. I laughed as well and continued dancing.

"Eat up baby." I softly yelled funny and she laughed. "Yes mommy.." she said.

I made myself a smoothie and then picked Izzy out of her seat after she was done. I walked outside and locked the door. I carried Izzy to the car and put her into the car seat. "Mommy? Where are we going?" She asked. "To see some of mommy's friends." I smiled.

She smiled brightly and clapped her hands. I laughed and started to drive to the compound.

We got there and I unbuckled Izzy. I carried her into the compound and saw Natasha.

"Hey Nat!" I smiled. "Hey Y/n. Hi Izzy." She picked her up.

She knew about her of course.

"Where's everyone?" I asked.

"Meeting room." She said.

"Ok. Can you watch Izzy for a second?" I asked. She nodded and I walked towards the meeting room.

"Hey guys." I smiled.

"Hey." Everyone smiled.

A hour later we were all in the meeting room discussing things.

Bucky sat beside me holding my knee.

I heard a small bang. Then small feet running towards the door. My eyes widened. She could be hurt. I got out of my seat as the door opened. "Mommy! I hit my head.." She cried.

"Oh baby.. It's just a scratch. You'll be okay." I smiled and put a bandaid on her head. "Hold. Please." She cried. I smiled and picked her up.

"It's okay baby." I rubbed her back.

I turned around and saw everyone sitting in shock. "You have a daughter?" Bucky asked confused and shocked. "Yeah. Her names Izzy." I said.

"How come you didn't tell me?" Bucky said a little upset. "I wasn't sure if you would want to stay with me afterwards." I said looking down at Izzy asleep now in my arms.

"I will always want to be with you." He smiled. I smiled back. I sat back down with Izzy in my arms. "Mommy?" She said groggy. "Yeah?" I said. "Can you sing to me?" She asked.

I laughed and then said yes. I started to sing a song my mother used to sing to me. Everyone looked at me and smiled. I continued to sing. Izzy fell asleep again.

I stopped singing and Bucky smiled at me. "You have a beautiful voice." He whispered. "Thank you.." I smiled. I kissed his cheek. He then kissed mine.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I smiled.

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