Forgotten 🌟 Tony Stark

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Word Count: 808
Warnings: Suicide
Background: Your Tony's daughter. Tony never pays attention to you. He prefers Peter over you.

"Great job Peter!"

"Sure I'll help you Peter."

"That's amazing Peter!"

"Happy birthday Pete!"

"Your my favourite Pete."

Peter was always your dads favourite. He never listened to you. Peter was the best kid he never had. He always shuts me out.

Today was my birthday. I was turning 17. I was so excited. I walked into the kitchen and ate some cereal.

Steve walked in and patted my head.
"Hey Steve!" I said happily.
"Hey kiddo. Why are you so happy?" He smiled.

My smiled dropped slowly.
"Wow.. did I say something wrong?" He said.
"No.." I said and got up. I walked back to my room.

Steve didn't remember?

I walked downstairs and asked everyone what day it was.

"Hey dad? What day is it?" I asked.
"Uhh, oh! I have to make Peter a new suit!" He said excited.

Everyone else said it was Tuesday. Nobody remembered..

It hurt.

I sat in my bed all day. Steve called me down for dinner.

"Hey." Bucky said and I sat down.

I didn't say one thing all dinner.

All of a sudden the door bell rings.
"I'll get it." I walked to the door.

I opened the door and saw my friend Stiles from school. I smiled brightly.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" He said happily with a present in his hands. There was no way that was gonna fit through the door.

"Stiles!" I smiled and hugged him.

He walked inside and stopped when he saw everyone.

"The avengers. Cool." He smiled at me. I smiled.
"Why's he here?" Tony asked confused.

I looked back at Stiles.
"Anyway! Open your present." Stiles said. I smiled and opened it.

"OMG!! YOU DIDN'T!!" I said excited and jumped up and down.

Everyone looked at me confused.
"I did." He smirked.

I pulled out a pair of Jordan's.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!!" I said hugging him. He smiled.

"Of course. Happy birthday y/n." He laughed.

Everyone looked at me sadly. They knew what they did. They felt bad.

"Thank you Stiles!" I kissed his cheek and put the shoes on. I jumped up and tested them out.

"I LOVE THEM!" I smiled. He laughed again and hugged me.

"Anyways, have a good night." I smiled at him and he left.

After he left I turned around smiling. Everyone looked at the ground.

"I'm gonna go to bed.." I said and started to walk to my room.

"I'm sorry Y/n." Steve and Bucky said. I smiled.
"It's okay."

Tony looked at the time, "Peter will be here in 30 minutes." He said excited.

At that moment I walked back to my room.

I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


A few months later..

I was sitting on the side of the bathtub crying silently.

My dad didn't even look or speak to me anymore. Everyone but Steve and Bucky ignored me all day long.

My eyesight became blurry. I just downed a whole bottle of pills.

I laid against the wall waiting. I then blacked out. I knew I was dying. That was the point.


I haven't seen Y/n all day. She hasn't been herself recently.

I decide to go check if she was okay.

I knocked on her door, "y/n? Are you okay?" I asked. She didn't reply.

I asked a couple more times, not getting a response. By then I got worried.

I broke down the door and ran all over. She wasn't asleep so I checked her bathroom.

Then I saw her. She was pale. "No, no, no.." I felt for a pulse. There wasn't one.

I tried CPR but it didn't work. She felt like she'd been dead for a few hours.

"STEVE!!" I yelled sobbing. He ran into the room.

He saw her. "Omg.. is she?.." he couldn't finish his sentence.
"She's dead.." I said and broke into sobs. He was by my side holding me as I broke down.

The next day, no one had noticed y/n's body being taken or the fact that she was gone.

"SO NO ONE NOTICED?!" I yelled furiously at the breakfast table. Everyone jumped in shock.

"Noticed what?" Tony said.

"Omg.." I said breaking into sobs.

"Bucky? What's wrong?" Tony asked.


"W-what? No she didn't." Tony said.

"Steve?.." Tony asked.

Everyone looked at Steve. He always told the truth. "She.." Steve started out.

"She's dead. She did kill herself." Steve broke into sobs as well which he never did.

Everyone else cried. Tony looked broken. He had completely abandoned her.

"No.." Tony sobbed.


*To people reading: Please never kill yourself. Your worth so much. Things will get better.*

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