Cheater 🌟 Bucky x Steve

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Word Count: 460
Warnings: Cheating
Background: You cheated on Steve with Bucky.

I snuck out of Bucky's room at 5 am. I snuck back into my room.

I didn't feel guilty. I didn't love Steve. I loved Bucky. I knew it was wrong but I did it anyway. I cheated on Steve.

I changed my clothes and walked into the kitchen. I told Bucky to never tell anyone. So he didn't.

6 weeks later..

I walked into the meeting room and sat down. Me and Bucky have been having an affair ever since we first slept together.

"Morning baby." Steve said. I smiled at him. "Morning." I saw Bucky out of the corner of my eye. He was staring at my ass.

Wanda was also staring at me. "Y/n? Can I talk to you for a sec?" She asked. "Okay?" I said confused and followed her outside.

"Are you sleeping with Bucky?" She asked. My eyes widened in shock. "H-how did-" I started to ask. "I read your mind." She confessed. "Omg.." I said shocked. "You have to tell Steve.." she said.

"Tell Steve what?" Steve walked in. "Steve.." I said ashamed. "W-what's wrong?" He asked. Wanda walked out leaving us alone.

"I'm sorry.." I started to cry. "What is it? Your scaring me.." he said.

Bucky walked in and saw me crying. "Y/n? You okay?" He asked concerned. "No. I have to tell him.." I said crying. Bucky nodded.

"Tell me what?" Steve asked confused. "I cheated on you.." I said in a whisper. "W-what?" He asked sadly. "I cheated.." I said again crying. "With who?" He asked upset.

Bucky looked down. I looked at him and then looked at my feet. "W-with B-Bucky?.." he asked more upset. "I'm sorry.." I cried. "I can't believe you!" He yelled crying.

He stormed out of the room and I fell to my knees. Bucky hugged me as I cried. "I'm sorry.." I said to Bucky. "It's okay doll.." He smiled sadly. "I don't love him.. I love.. you.." I said slowly.

A smile slowly crept up on his face. "You.. love.. me?.." he asked. I nodded. His smile got bigger and he kissed me.

"I love you too." He said and put his forehead against mine.

"Please don't leave me.." I cried.

"I won't." He said.

He grabbed my hands and helped me up. "Thank you." I smiled and we walked back to my room.

I laid on the bed and curled up in a hall. Hands wrapped around me from behind and I peeked over my shoulder. Bucky was holding me snuggling into me. "Go to sleep doll. I won't leave you." He whispered.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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