Addiction 🌟 Bucky's Little Sister

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Word Count: 411
Warnings: Drug addiction
Background: Your Bucky's little sister and your an addict.

I felt like I was floating. Like I was flying across the sky.

I sat in my bathtub in my own apartment.

I was so high. I had just done some cocaine. I was an addict. I have been for 3 years. My big brother lived at the avengers compound so he doesn't know.

When he visits I'm always a little bit high but not as much that he can notice.

I got up out of the tub and walked into the living room. I sat on the couch and did another line.

I laid back on the couch and breathed deeply.

I heard a knock on the door but ignored it. I heard someone use keys on the door. I thought it was part of my imagination.

I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep.

The door opened and someone walked in. I heard footsteps come towards me.

I opened my eyes slowly and sat up groaning.

"Y/n?.." a shadow said. I looked up. It was my brother.

"Ugh.." I groaned. "What the hell have you done?!" He shouted. I groaned more and felt my stomach turning.

I doubled over and threw up in the trash can. "Jesus.." Bucky said and held my hair back. "What the hell did you take?" He asked concerned.

"That.." I pointed at a baggy of coke. "Christ Y/n.." he said as a tear fell down his face. He sat down beside me cleaning my face. I leaned on his chest and groaned. "Y/n.. how much did you take?" He asked.

"Uhh, 5 lines I think.." I groaned. "Jesus.." he said. "Nope. Just me." I joked. He frowned at me and hugged my side.

"How long?" He asked. "Three years maybe.." I said. He hugged me tight. "I'm gonna.." I vomited in the trash again. "Okay.." he rubbed my back.


2 months later, Bucky has helped me get clean. He's been really helpful.

"Y/n? What are you looking for?" He asked as I looked through the drawers and cabinets. "Nothing.." I said quietly. "There not there anymore.." he said.

I groaned and hid my face in my hands.

"I'm sorry.." I started to cry. "It's okay doll.." he said. "It's part of getting clean.." he said. I sobbed into his chest.


One months later, your clean and have been living at the compound with Bucky.

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