My Father 🌟 Wanda Maximoff

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Word Count: 465
Warnings: Death, but mostly none
Background: You are Thanos daughter. Nobody knows, but when he comes back everything goes to shit. Sort of..

I was the daughter of Thanos.

I came down to earth 4 years ago.

I'm an avenger and I'm dating a girl named Wanda Maximoff.

No one knows I'm the daughter of Thanos. It's not a highlight of my life.

I decided to come to earth because I didn't agree with his plans. So I ran.

Now I'm in love and safe.


I woke up one morning and walked into the meeting room.

Steve had called a meeting.

I sat down next to Wanda and smiled at her.

"We have a big problem." Steve said.

"His names Thanos." Tony said. I looked up quickly and nervously.

Wanda noticed my worry and held my hand under the table.

"What does he want?" Bucky asked.

"Genocide." Thor said.

"So? What's his plan?" Natasha asked.

"To eliminate half of the population and then destroy the stones.." I whispered loud enough for everyone to hear me.

"How do you know that?" Tony asked slightly confused.

"Oh, I was told. Fury told me.." I lied.

Tony nodded and smiled falling for that and continued explaining.

After the debriefing, we heard a explosion outside. "Avengers, suit up." Steve said. We all nodded and ran to our suits.

My suit was a black and blue, and like Natasha's.

We ran towards the sound and saw my father and Gamora standing there.

"Ahh, avengers." Thanos said sarcastically.

"And my daughter. Wow, what a lovely reunion." He smirked.

"Daughter?!" Tony asked surprised.

"Yes. How are you doing Y/n?" Thanos smirked.

"Good. I've become stronger than you." I stared him down.

Everyone looked at me in shock.

"Your going to die for betraying me!" Thanos yelled.

"Not today." Wanda said summoning her powers.

Everyone redirected their attention to Thanos.

"Come my child. Rethink your position." Thanos said.

I smirked, "I'm good thanks though."

"Then I might just have to-" he was cut off by Gamora stabbing him through the heart.

"I'm done playing prisoner." She spat in his face.

"W-why daughter?" He tried to catch his breath but was unable to.

"I've always hated your cold heart." She pulled the blade out and he dropped dead.

"Gamora?" I smiled.

She ran towards me and I embraced her in a hug. "I missed you.." she whispered sobbing into my shoulder.

"I missed you too.." I cried.

"Ok. We should go." Steve said and started to walk back to the tower.

Gamora followed us back.

"Your Thanos daughter?" Tony asked me.

"Was.." I said looking at my feet.

Wanda kissed me and hugged me tightly.

"I love you." She said into my neck.

"I love you too." I smiled.

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