Starving 🌟 Reader x Bucky x Sam

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Word Count: 475
Warnings: ED
Background: You have an eating disorder and Bucky and Sam try to help you.

I haven't ate in about a week or two.

I hated my body.

I wanted to be skinny.

I tried my best but nothing worked. I was always too fat.

I walked into the kitchen around noon.

I saw Bucky and Sam talking.

I grabbed some gum and a cup of water. I sat on the couch drinking my water and then chewing my gum.

My eating disorder was only eating gum and drinking water for every meal.

It was easier that way. I wasn't hungry.

"Hey y/n." Sam smiled at me.

"Hey Sam." I smiled back.

"I'm making pancakes. You hungry Y/n?" Bucky asked.

"N-No. I'm okay.." I said nervously.

"Okay.." he continued making it.

He finished making the food and called Sam over. "Are you sure your not hungry Y/n?" He asked. "I'm sure." I smiled.

"Please try some Y/n.." Sam said basically begging. "Fine.." I said hesitantly.

They didn't know I had an eating disorder.

I sat down and played with it for a second.

"Come on? It can't be that bad?" Bucky smiled. I giggled and took a bite. And another, and another.

After about three minutes I started to feel nauseous. I got up and ran to the sink, vomiting everything up.

"Omg.. are you ok?" Sam asked concerned. "Was my cooking that bad?" Bucky asked. "No. It was amazing. I-" I hesitated.

Sam rubbed my back. As he felt my back he felt all my bones. He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

He lifted my shirt and saw my ribs through my shirt. "Omg.. Y/n.." Sam said as a tear fell down his face.

I pulled my shirt back down and sat back down. "What?" I said looking at the counter. "Your sick.. you need help.." Sam said. Bucky was eyeing me down.

"Y/n.. do you have an eating disorder?.." Bucky asked. "She does. Anorexia." Sam said. He was a part time doctor so he knew. "Y/n?.. is this true?.." Bucky asked as he started to tear up.

"Yes.." I whispered and a tear made its way down my face.

"I'm ugly, fat, stupid.. I'm not worth it.." I cried. Bucky ran over to me and held me tight. "Your so worth it, your beautiful, your smart, and your completely gorgeous." He said. I smiled at him.

"We are gonna help you get better, okay?" Sam asked. "Okay.." I said. "Great!" Bucky smiled and kissed your forehead. I smiled and hugged him.

The next few weeks I started to eat real food and gain 4 pounds. I was doing great.

I was loved and cared for.


*Dear readers, you are beautiful the way you are! Never think other wise!*

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