Tourettes 🌟 Bucky Barnes

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Word Count: 506
Warnings: None
Backstory: You have Tourettes. Bucky knows but no one else does.

I sat in my room having a tic attack. Today they were bad. I was jerking my hands and whistling non stop. I tried to quiet myself but couldn't.

"Y/n?" I heard someone say. I looked up with teary eyes. It was Bucky. "Hey.." I said and then twitched my head. A tear fell down my cheek. "It's okay.." he sat beside me as I cuddled into him. "I'm *whistle* sorry.." I said. "Its okay.." he said kissing my forehead. "How bad is it?" He asked. "Bad.. *swear word*" I said. He pulled me in closer.

A few hours later I fell asleep cuddling Bucky. I woke up to hitting myself in my face. It was one of my tics. "Fuck.." I said rubbing my head. "Y/n? You okay?" Bucky asked waking up. "I'm sorry I *whistle* woke you up.." I said. "It's okay doll." He smiled. I punched his arm. "I'm sorry." I said and rubbed his arm. "It's okay doll. Stop saying sorry. You can't help it." He smiled.

I got off the bed slowly and went over to the bathroom. I brushed my hair and then came back out. "It's 8. We should get up." I said. He nodded and followed me into the living room. I sat down next to Steve.

A few minutes went by and I had no tics. All of the sudden I elbowed Steve in the arm. "I'm so sorry!" I said when he groaned. "It's okay. It was an accident." I smiled and moved over slightly so I wouldn't hit him again. I whistled. "Sorry.." I said. I got up and left the room. Everyone watched me leave. "Is she okay?" Steve asked Bucky. "Yeah.." he said looking at his feet.

"What's up with her?" Tony asked. Bucky stared at him harshly. "My diagnosis is that Mrs. Y/L/N has Tourette's." Vision said. "Vision!" Bucky shouted. "I was just informing." He said. Steve looked at Bucky, "Is that true?" He asked. "Yes." Bucky said and got up.

I sat on my bed crying silently to myself. I hurt Steve. I was such a burden. "What's wrong with me?" I whispered to myself. "Nothings wrong with you doll." Bucky said making me jump. "Don't *hits yourself in the head* do that.." I said. "Sorry. You okay?" He asked concerned. "Yep.." I said smiling slightly. He frowned and sat beside me on my bed. "Doll.." he said. "Don't.." I said looking at him.

He snuggled up with me and kissed my forehead. "I love you doll." He said. I looked up at him. He was staring down at me. "You do?" I asked confused. "Yes." He smiled. He leaned down and kissed me on the lips. I kissed back. We pulled away after a minute. "I love you too." I said smiling brightly.

He smiled at me and then kissed me again. "Good." He said. I smirked and kissed him.

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