Blind 🌟 Bucky Barnes

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Word Count: 601
Warnings: None
Background: Your blind. Your Steve's sister.

My name is Y/n Rogers. I'm Steve Rogers twin sister.

I have been blind ever since I was born.

I went into ice a year after he 'died'.

I woke up 70 years later and the world was so different. Even though I couldn't see, Fury told me so much things about it.

Fury informed me that my brother was alive. I was so excited to hear his voice again.

Fury directed me down a very long hallway. We turned multiple times. It felt like we were going in a circle.

We finally arrived to a door. He opened it slowly. He pushed me forewords a little. "Hello?" I called out quietly.

"Y/n?" I heard my brothers voice. Tears came to my eyes and I smiled. "Steve.." I said as a tear fell down my face.

I felt his arms wrap around me. "How are you alive?!" Steve asked cupping my face. I held onto his hands, "Same as you." I smiled. I felt a smile form on his face. He hugged me once again.


Me and Steve have been living at the avengers tower ever since we've been unfrozen.

We met everyone and everyone seems to like us, except Bucky. Bucky and Steve got along but Bucky didn't like me for some reason. He would always say mean things when I tripped over things. He of course didn't know I was blind.

I always kept my head down.

One morning I stumbled downstairs and made my way through the kitchen. I then bumped into someone. "Watch where your going." Bucky said coldly. I sighed, "I'm sorry.." I said.

I then walked into the living room. I sat on the couch and hid my face in my knees. I heard someone walk in. "Y/n?" Steve said concerned. I felt the couch dip beside me. "Are you okay?" He asked hugging my side.

"Bucky doesn't like me." I said. "Don't be silly. Bucky likes you." He said comforting me. I nodded. I heard the doorbell ring and someone opening it.

"Hello?" Bucky's voice said. "Hey. I'm here for Y/n Rogers." Mrs. Green said. Mrs. Green was my Braille teacher.

"Mrs. Green?" I looked up. "Why hello Ms. Rogers." She said humorously. I giggled as she walked up to me. "Can I see please?" She asked. I nodded and looked at her. She took out her light and checked my eyes. "Perfect. Ready to learn?" She asked. "Yes." I giggled and she grabbed my hands leading me into another room.


I watched as Y/n walked off. I felt horrible. I didn't know she was blind.

"Bucky?" Steve said. "I'm sorry.." I said and walked to my room.


Later that day I heard a voice coming from Bucky's room. I knocked on his door. I felt it open slightly. "Barnes?" I said. "Y/n.." He said letting me in. I smiled and walked in. "I'm sorry. I didn't know-" I put my hand over his mouth shutting him up. I moved my hands all over his face taking in the details. "Your handsome.." I smiled. He smirked. "How do you know?" He asked. "I can tell." I smiled.

All the sudden I felt his lips on mine. I kissed back. I pulled back slowly. "I thought you hated me.." I said in a whisper. "I could never hate you.." he said. I pulled him back into the kiss.

"I love you.." he said.

I smiled, "I love you too.."

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