Neglect 🌟 Clint Barton

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Word Count: 739
Warnings: Neglect
Background: Your Clint's daughter and he always ignores you. He's never payed any attention to you ever since your siblings were born.

I walked down the stairs around 7:30 in the morning. I walked into the small kitchen and grabbed myself a bowl of cereal.

I sat down at the table and ate it. I heard footsteps running down the stairs.

I had 3 younger siblings. I never usually talked to anyone here. I didn't have a good relationship with anyone but my friend Peter.

I'm 18 and I am planning to go to University to be a doctor.

My dad never pays attention to me and nether does my mother. My dad is always at work. He's an avenger, and my mom is always busy with my siblings.

A year ago I started working at a local Starbucks and have been saving up for college.

I got up and put my dishes in the sink. I grabbed my backpack and headed to work.

8 months later I graduated with Honours. Nobody came, but Peter did.

I started to go to University and moved into a dorm. Nobody noticed I left when I did.

I graduated university 4 years later.

Now I work at St. Franks Hospital. I'm a doctor there. Everyone accepts me and I have a family now that notices me.

I walked into the emergency room. "Mr. Rogers." I said. I saw my dads old friend and the team. I also saw my dad. Steve stood up and I walked him into a room. Everyone followed behind.

"What seems to be the problem?" I asked putting a heart monitor on his finger. "I dislocated my arm." He said in pain.

"Okay. On the count of 3." I said. "1", "2" I snapped his arm back. He yelped in pain and then took a deep breath in relief. "Thank you.." he asked for my name. "Dr. Barton." I smiled.

"Barton?" Steve asked. "Yep. Oh and nice to see you too dad." I said to Clint as I walked out. He gasped and watched me walk away. "Y/n?!" He shouted after me.

I turned around. "Y/n? Is that really you?" He asked surprised. "Yes." I said and turned back around. He grabbed my arm and spun me around. "Please. How are you?" He asked. I pulled my arm from his aggressively and stormed away.

How are you?! Really?! I thought to myself. I stormed past Dr. Shil. "Y/n?" He asked concerned. "You okay?" He asked. "I'm fine Ethan." I said. He hugged me close and then pulled away and kissed me.

Me and Ethan have been engaged for 6 months. We've been together for 5 years. We met after I graduated high school. "I love you." He smiled. "I love you too." I smiled. He put his hand on my stomach. "I love you too." He smirked. I smiled and kissed him again.

I found out I was pregnant 3 months ago. I'm now 4 months pregnant.

I walked back into the emergency room and called another name. "Mr. Stark?" I looked up and saw team again. I groaned, "Follow me." I said.

They followed quickly behind me. I grabbed Ethan on the way and dragged him with me.

We entered a room and I shut the door. There were 10 people in the small room. "What are you guys doing?!" I asked furious. "I wanted to say I'm sorry." My dad said. "Omg! Now you know I am here huh!" I said yelling. "Y/n.." he said looking at his feet. "Fuck you dad." I said mad and Ethan grabbed my hand. "Calm down." He said.

"Who's this?" Steve asked. "This is my Fiancée Ethan." I said. "Fiancée?" My dad asked. "Yes." I said.

My dad looked him up and down. I stared at him. "I'm also Pregnant, thanks for asking.

"H-how far along?" My dad asked shocked. "4 months." I said. "It's a girl." My dad looked at me with tears in his eyes. "How are the kids?" I asked.

"Good." He said. "That's good." I said. "I gotta get back to work." I said. "Can you forgive me?" My dad asked. "Maybe.." I said. I walked out and closed the door.

"I'm sorry.." I cried into Ethan's chest.

"It's okay.." he rubbed my back.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." He smiled.

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