Deaf Sister 🌟 Clint' Sister

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Word Count: 590
Warnings: None
Bold is sign language
Backstory: You are deaf. Your Clint's little sister and you recently joined the avengers. No one but Clint and Tony know about you yet.

You sat in your bed reading a book.

You saw Clint enter your room. He waved his hand. You looked up and smiled.

"Hey Clint. What's up?"

"Nothing much. What about you?"

"I was hoping I would be able to meet the team soon."

"In a few days cupcake."

That was his nickname for you. You smiled and nodded.

He left the room to go train. You were hungry so you got up.

You walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge looking through it.

You found Red Bull and some leftover salad. You put it on a plate and ate it while you were on your phone.

What sucks about being deaf is you can't tell when anyones around.

You felt someone's eyes on you and looked up.

3 men were standing there still. You smiled and waved at them. You continued to eat your salad and drink your Red Bull.

Once you were finished you walked into the living room and sat on the couch.


"Who the hell was that?" I asked Steve.

He shrugged and followed her into the living room.

"Hello?" Steve said.

She didn't answer. I was confused. Me and Sam stood in the doorway watching this unfold.


I got up off the couch and walked into my room.

I didn't notice people were standing behind me. I saw Clint sitting on my bed.

"Where have you been?" Clint signed.


"Did anyone see you?"


He sighed and grabbed my hand dragging me out of my room. I saw the men standing outside the living room.

Their eyes landed on me and Clint.

"Who saw you?"

"Them." I pointed to the men. They looked away.

"Seriously.." Clint said out loud.

"Guys. I've seen you've met my sister." Clint's said.

"Yes." They said.

"Hi. I'm y/n."

They looked at me confused.

"She said Hi and her names Y/n. Shes deaf." Clint said.

The mens faces turned white. I laughed and they looked at me.

"Your faces. There white as a ghost."

They all looked over to Clint for translation.

"Your faces. There white as a ghost." He translated.

They all smirked.


As soon as he said she was deaf, I felt horrible.

I walked up to her and shook her hand.

"I'm Bucky."

I learned sign language when I was 14.

She smiled brightly. "You know sign?!"

I giggled and nodded. Steve and Sam looked surprised. "You know sign?" Clint asked impressed.

"Yes. I learned it because my mother was partially deaf." I said.

They nodded. We continued to chat all day.



A few weeks later, me and Bucky have gotten closer.

I sat on the couch and turned on tv. I read the captions as Bucky walked in.

"Hey Bucky."

"Hey y/n. What you doing?"

"Reading Tv." You giggle.

He laughs as well and sits beside you.

"Y/n.. I need to tell you something."


"I like you. Like, really like you."

"I like you too Bucky. You mean in the more than friends way right?"

"Yes." He looked down.

I grabbed his chin and made him look up. You kissed him. He smiled brightly. He kissed back.

"I really really like you Buck.."

"I really really like you too."

I giggled and he kissed me again.

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