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Greetings ladies, gentlemen, and gentlethems!

Welcome to my second book. If you've read my first book (Work in Progress) you'll notice this will be a bit different. I wrote that first book to relax and have an artistic outlet in the midst of my scientific career. I wrote this second book to tell a story I could relate to. Not the zombie apocalypse part but the nonbinary character part. A few days right after I finished my first book a wonderful major life event happened and I just had to incorporate that into a story. Just like Eli, I'm putting parts of myself into Alex. Oh and don't worry, there's definitely still going to be some sapphic love.

This book will be a bit more fast paced but I hope you enjoy Vagabonds as much as you did Work in Progress (if you haven't read that yet go check it out).

Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions. If you notice me using she/her instead of they/them for Alex please point it out. Personally, I use She/They but I want Alex to just be They/Them.



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