Chapter 22

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Chapter Song: Up We Go by Imaginary Future


"I owe you all an explanation." I raise my hand to stop their protests. I need to tell them this.

"I haven't been honest with you." I look each of them in the eye; Riley last, I know I need to talk to her separately later.

"Before we met, I had just lost my father and recently reconnected with my mother. I didn't want to be anywhere near her let alone go to church with her. But my father wanted me to give her another chance. She was family, he said."

"But then the apocalypse happened and I thought... it was the universe finally giving me a gift. An easy way out. That's why I was so eager to leave. Why I didn't care if I was making my plan as I went. I didn't care if I died since there was nothing to live for and the world was going down the drain anyway."

"I guess I didn't count on being so great at winging it." I scoff at myself. "I found myself fighting everyday and preparing for the next. Then of course I came back..."

"I thought that if I came back and saw that you were all gone then maybe... maybe I didn't have to stay either... But then you were all still there welcoming me with open arms." I laugh at the memory of Riley running to me. "I didn't think I'd actually be tricked into staying with you lot. But then weeks turned into months and it didn't feel like a trick anymore. I wanted to stay."

"I may have started all of this as a joke, as a means to escape my reality but I promise you I will do everything in my power to protect each and every one of you. I will protect you from the pain of losing someone too early. I will protect you from living in fear of the unknown. I will protect you from living the rest of your lives having to keep fighting everyday. I will do everything in my power to keep this family together."

I look at each of them, holding my ground, hoping to give them the strength they have given me.

"We protect them together." John.

"You don't have to carry the burden alone." Sarah.

"We're here for you too." Connor.

"You can always talk to us." Beth.

"You do so much for us more than you know." Greg.

"We'll get through this together." Lisa.

"We'll heal together." Mateo.

"You know I'll always have your back." Aly.

"I'm here for you." Riley.

I let my tears fall. They weren't tears of sadness, or anger, or fear. For once, they were tears of joy.

Together, we cry.

Together, we live.

A/N: I'm curious, do y'all listen to the chapter songs?

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