Chapter 14

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Chapter Song: Alive by Warbly Jets


I make my way downstairs with Riley right behind me. I honestly could stay in my room all day with her but I know that she hasn't left it since they got here. During those days she'd lost some weight and color, so I'm making it my mission to get some back on her.

I assumed that there would at least be some chatter since it was the middle of the day but it was as silent as the previous night I got here. We entered the living room where everyone was either lounging on a chair or staring out through the cracks in the window.

"You know you guys can talk normally here right? Like you can even actually shout. I soundproofed this place pretty well."

All eyes were suddenly on me, everyone rooted to their spot.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." I chuckle.

They were all still staring at me and I even doubted myself if I actually was a ghost already.

Riley moves from behind me and stands beside me, taking my hand in hers. "They're really here, guys. Alex is here." She smiles at them.

Eyes were darting between me and Riley. Probably trying to process seeing the two people they haven't seen in weeks. Suddenly, I was hounded by a bunch of teenagers all jumping on me. I had to remind myself that these were actual people and not zombies so I wouldn't act out in reflex and start hitting them. That would be bad.

Once we had settled down, they started bombarding me with questions.

"What happened?"

"How are you alive?"

"What took you so long?"

"Are you some magic elf or something?"

I laugh at that last one.

I take a seat since my leg was starting to hurt again then start explaining. "I had to stay behind to distract the zombies, lead them off somewhere so you kids could escape. There were too many of them and I knew we couldn't hold them off. So... yeah. We all know these two—" I motion at John and Connor, " —wouldn't have survived if it was them." They laugh knowing I was right.

I scratch my neck and continue. "I figured since they were all coming from the streets and you were out there, I'd lead them up the building. The second floor was fine but when I got to the third—" I breathe out a whistle, " —boooy, I thought I was for sure dead. It looked like a fucking call center for zombies. Anyways, I was able to find the fire exit, jumped off from there to a dumpster below, fucked up my leg, limped my way to a car before they could figure out where I disappeared off to, then floored the gas. I think I fucked up my leg even more because of that." I laugh but no one else found it amusing.

"Oh lighten up, guys! I'm fine now." I try to comfort them.

"Your leg is bleeding." Connor whispers, eyes widening at the sight of my leg.

I look down at it and the bandage was staining. "I probably just need to stitch it up again. I mean, y'all did jump me earlier and I did trek here for a whole day before that."

"You put stitches on it? Like you... sewed yourself up?" Greg asks me in awe. He was the youngest in our group.

"Yup. And it hurt like a motherfu—"

"Alex." Riley stops me and puts her hand on mine.

I roll my eyes but answer sheepishly, "Sorry."

"Wait, wait! Hold up! Did you just say sorry for cursing? You're whipped, man!" John laughs at me and the others join in.

"Shut up. If I remember correctly the first thing you said to me when I got here last night was, and I quote, 'You son of a bitch'. My mom may be that but only I get to call her that."

"You curse for the first time and that's what you're going to say? You could've just said 'what the fuck'!" Bethany teasingly slaps John on his arm, making the latter look at her wide-eyed.

"What? I curse too. You've just never heard me." Beth explains to her boyfriend.

"Yeah, Beth could actually give Alex a run for their money." Lisa, Beth's best friend, says.

I laugh at this revelation and at John's incredulous face.

"Hey, Matteo." I look at the boy almost identical to me. "Wanna stitch my leg?" I wiggle my eyebrows at him. He was an aspiring doctor before the apocalypse happened.

"Can I?" He looks at me excitedly.

"Heck yeah, Doc! Wait—. You've done some advance reading right?" I second guess myself since the kid hasn't actually started studying med yet.

"I don't think reading something is the same as practicing it, Alex." Riley looks at me worriedly.

"I think I did a pretty good job for a first timer. Matteo's got this!" I motion Matteo to help me up and pat his back to encourage him. I squeeze Riley's hand and give her a reassuring smile before we moved to the next room and I started grinding my teeth.

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