Chapter 11

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Chapter Song: Cloud by Elias


"There's too many of them!" John shouts as he swings his bat at a zombie.

"Where did they even come from?!" Connor panics but still successfully fends off a zombie coming at him.

Alex continues to hold their defense with the two boys while the others stock up their bags with supplies. But they knew they didn't have long until they were overwhelmed and Alex didn't want to push their luck.

Alex looks back at the others just as they swing their axe at a zombie. "Everyone get back to the car! NOW!"

They all stop what they're doing, close up their bags, and start running to the back of the store where their cars were.

"Alex watch out!" Riley swings the mini katana Alex gave her just in time to stop a zombie from clawing at Alex.

"Thanks. Get back to the car. We'll be right behind you." Alex says breathlessly, thanking Riley with a look.

Riley hesitates for a moment but does as she's told.

"You two still remember my address?" Alex asks the two boys tirelessly fighting.

"Yeah but I thought that was only for emergencies?" John grunts while kicking a zombie on the face.

"This is an emergency. There's too many of them. There's probably a pocket of them here somewhere that's why they're all suddenly swarming. You need to get as far from here as possible." Alex instructs them quickly.

"What do you mean you? We need to get as far as possible." Connor corrects them, not missing their use of 'you' again instead of 'we'.

Alex shakes their head. "Someone needs to distract them."

"Why does it have to be you?" Connor questions, his brows furrowing even more at the thought of leaving Alex behind.

"Because I have a higher chance of surviving this than you two. Now hurry up and get to the car!" Alex gives them a stern look quickly before having to revert their attention at the zombies coming at them.

Connor continues to fight but he knows Alex is right.

"Now!" Alex shouts at Connor and with one last swing, the boy listens and runs back to the others.

"I hope you know what you're doing." John says looking at Alex one last time.

Alex smirks at him. "You know I don't."

John kills off one more zombie that was getting close to Alex. "I'll see you soon?" Both of them don't know whether they'll see each other again in life or in death. Still, Alex nods and answers, "I'll see you soon."

And with that, John turns his back and runs to the car. Leaving Alex behind to lead the swarm of zombies elsewhere.


John hops in the car, noticing that the other one already left. Without wasting another second, he shouts, "Drive!"

"Where's Alex? I didn't see them get into Connor's car." Riley was in the driver's seat and was not leaving without Alex.

"There's no time for this. Just drive!" John shouts at her.

"No! I am not leaving without Alex!" Riley says just as firmly.

John knew they were losing precious seconds. "They stayed behind so we could live! Now drive! Don't let their sacrifice be in vain!"

Riley is shocked by the revelation of his words. She immediately felt her chest tighten but she knew he was right. She stepped on the gas with tears forming in her eyes, hoping that she was making Alex proud.

A/N: Early update again coz I'll be gone the whole weekend. Heads up, I might change up my updating schedule since I'll be working from the field in a week or so...

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