Chapter 13

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Chapter Song: Kiss Me Slowly by Parachute


Alex. I remember their scent. Their warmth. Their smile.

I dreamt of them last night. It started off with a nightmare. Just like the previous nights I was running after them but never being fast enough before a wave of zombies took them away. But last night was different. I was able to run to them. Into their arms. Even now, I can still feel their warmth. But they're gone. They're not really here. I wish I never dreamt that.

I start crying again but never opening my eyes. It was too early to torture myself with the sight of Alex's room.

"Please don't cry."

My breath hitches at the voice. I slowly open my eyes and am met with familiar brown ones. I cry even harder. God, please let me wake up from this dream.

"Hey, hey, don't cry. Please. I'm here, Riley. I'm really here. You're not dreaming."

I open my eyes again and look up at Alex.

"A-are you really-y here?" I hiccup.

"Yes." They say and kiss my forehead. "I'm really here." They smile at me softly and I realize I really wasn't dreaming. Alex is here.

I hold onto them tightly. Never daring to let go. My heart fills with so much joy as they hold onto me with as much force.

We didn't leave the room the whole morning. Nobody disturbed us either. They were probably used to me shutting myself in or they didn't know yet that Alex was here. Either way, I didn't care. I just wanted to stay here with Alex.

"Where have you been?" I ask.

"I was staying on the down low. I couldn't move around as much since I hurt my leg jumping from the third floor."

"You hurt your leg?!" I quickly sit up and pull the covers to examine Alex's leg. Sure enough their whole calf was bandaged.

"I'm fine. It's better now. I was able to hole up in a pharmacy. Which reminds me, we have to make a run there. I wasn't able to pack up some stuff since I couldn't even carry my own weight." Alex sits up with a look on their face. The kind I know they get whenever they're planning something.

"I can't believe you're thinking of a supply run right now. Can't you just rest?" I say while pushing them back down on the bed.

They smile at me and pull me down with them then snuggling into my neck, their breath tickling me. "Hmm, I think I can rest here for a while."

"You're tickling me," I laugh.

"Am I?" They softly chuckle then place a kiss on my neck. My breath hitches.

Alex suddenly pulls away. "I'm sorry. That was too forward. I shouldn't have—"

"No, it's okay. I... I liked it."

"Are you sure?" Alex asks slowly, concern in their eyes.

"Yes." I tell them and open my arms signalling for them to come closer.

They carefully lay back in my arms.

After a few minutes of cuddling, Alex raises themself on their elbows and looks at me. Their eyes hesitant but with something else in them.

"Riley... Can I kiss you?"

I look into their eyes. My own reflecting in them.


A/N: Hello from the island. Internet isn't as bad as I thought.

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