Chapter 24

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Chapter Song: Our Own House by MisterWives



We stayed at Riley's house for a week. Just enough time to settle emotions and say goodbye. In the old world, a week could never be enough. But our reality now only gave us as much. Like the previous homes we visited, a week was enough.

We knew that after a week, it was time to go back to the others. Yet another two days have passed and we still haven't left. Having this time alone together has given us the chance to have those quiet and deep conversations about the parts of ourselves we hold closest to our chests and farthest from prying eyes. Having this time alone together has given us a chance to forget the troubles of the world and simply have fun playing house together.

Past Alex would be thinking twice from the seriousness of this relationship but present Alex is for sure not complaining. Definitely not right now when a gorgeous woman is sitting on their lap.

"Riley, stop moving." I groan as I put my hands on her hips to steady her.

"How am I supposed to kiss you if I stop moving?" Riley looks at me amused, her lips swollen and looking delicious.

"Mmmm, you can kiss me just stop moving your hips." I say as I lean forward to capture her lips again. Our lips move in-sync and I hold onto Riley's hips tighter as she moves it again against me. Then suddenly she breaks away, realization in her eyes.

"Oh— I..." She looks away from me shyly.

"I know. I don't mind if you're not ready. But please go easy on me. Or else you're gonna have to sleep alone tonight."

She looks at me confused. "Why?"

I just stare back at her until she figures it out.

"Oh. Oh."

"Yes, oh." I smirk. "Now come here. I still don't mind some innocent kissing." I pull her back in and our lips continue as if they never stopped. Our breaths mixing and tongues exploring. My hands still on Riley's hips itching to touch more but respecting her boundaries. Her hands running through my hair, pulling ever so slightly every now and then.

"You can move your hands." Riley says quickly before diving back in. I don't say anything, instead accepting the invitation and gliding my hands up her back and down again. Her t-shirt was thin but not enough for my liking.

I focus myself on the kiss before my hands start wanting to roam beneath the fabric. It took a while before Riley was comfortable to kiss with tongue but now that she was, it was all she wanted. I could feel her wanting to take control but I was never one to back down from a fight. I hear her moan as I establish my dominance, sucking her tongue then taking her lower lip between my teeth, biting ever so softly. I do it again and I feel her buck her hips making both of us moan.

"I think we should stop." I say half-heartedly and taming our kisses.

"I don't want to stop." Riley says, taking control of the kiss.

"Riley, I love you, but I can only take so much teasing." I half joke.

"I'm not teasing." She pulls aways and looks me straight in the eyes. "I don't want to stop, Alex."

My mind clears and alerts to what she's saying. "Are you sure?" I ask slowly.

"Yes. I love you too. And I want you. I want to make you happy."

"Riley, you don't need to have sex with me to make me happy. I already am. And me loving you means I'll wait as long as it takes until you're ready."

"I'm ready now. Really, Alex. I am."

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