Chapter 7

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Chapter Song: Howl by Jake Houlsby


"This is it guys. The moment you've all been training for. Are you ready?" I look at the nine individuals in front of me, each clad in their battle outfits. If this wasn't reality I'd be laughing my ass off at how serious we all look.

We go through our plan one last time then take our positions. We divided into two groups. John and Connor taking the lead of each one. I'm in Connor's group but I'm taking the front as we head out to keep an eye out for any unexpected factors. John is at the tail of our line making sure that everyone gets to the cars safely.

"Alright, everyone in? Count off. One." I begin the count off as I strap myself in my seat.

"Two." Connor.

"Three." Sarah.

"Four." Zack.

"Five." Lisa.

"Five. Confirm." I speak over the radio. Thank god for ushers and their radios.

"Copy. Five. Confirm." I hear John on the other end.

"Alright. Remember your assignments. Stay alert. Let's head out." I hand the radio to Connor beside me and start the car moving towards our destination. We planned on visiting each of their houses to see if any of their relatives survived and decided to go home. Connor's was the first since it was the closest. With eyes alert on every side of the car looking out for any anomalies, I'm sure we can survive this. Right?


"Holy fuck! That was close. Too close!" I shout as I slam the door shut. John and I had to fend off some zombies lurking on the street. We couldn't exactly run them over since our cars weren't geared for it yet. I learned the hard way that running over zombies isn't as simple as it seems. I once decided to floor the gas and run over some zombies that were blocking the road but one got stuck under my car and well... Let's just say I felt like a fish in a bowl.

Fighting them off one by one seemed easy enough since there were only five but the moment we opened our doors it seemed to attract every other zombie in the block. Call it skill or luck but we managed to clear the way and get the others into the garage.

"What?" I ask John who's giving me a look as I push myself off the door.

"Language." he says sternly.

"Are you serious right now?" I laugh at him.


"Hooolyyyy fuuuck." I say slowly to annoy him.

He fumes at me but stays silent so I pat him on the shoulder and place my attention on the rest of the team. They were all barricading the windows already. Aww, I'm so proud.

I make my way through the house looking for Connor. I spot him in one of the rooms, I'm guessing his parents'.

"Hey." I say, slowly walking up beside him.

"They're not here." He says sadly.

"I'm sorry." I place my hand on his shoulder and squeeze lightly.

He turns around and hugs me but ends it as quickly. "Thank you."

"What for?" I ask confused.

"For getting me here and giving me closure." He says, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Umm, no problem." I really don't know what else to say.

"At least, I didn't have to see them undead either." He laughs softly, then walks out the room.

"Yeah... at least you didn't have to."

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