Chapter 8

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Chapter Song: Who's with Us by Current Swell


We've gone to four other houses since Connor's. It was all the same. None of their parents or siblings were home. We stayed for a few days at each of them hoping someone would arrive but it never happens. I can feel the group starting to lose faith again. Hopefully, this next stop proves better. The whole team needs it as much as Sarah and Zack.

We arrive at their place smoothly, having learned from our previous stunts. The twins' place was clean, providing immediate hope that it was being cared for. Still, I instructed them to proceed with caution.

The hopeful silence was pierced by a scream from the second floor. I quickly ran my way upstairs with John right behind me. Sarah was on the floor sobbing with Riley holding onto her. Zack was clutching onto a doorknob and staring at it with horrified eyes.

Oh no. Please don't tell me—

"They're— They're— zombies." Zack looks at me with fear in his eyes.

"Zack, who?" Seriously, John?! Who do you think?!


"Okay, Zack. Please, keep your voice down. We'll figure this out." I try to calm him down in case he attracts any more zombies with his shouting.


"I don't know. But we're not solving anything either by shouting. Get yourself together. For your sister." I look at Sarah who was now lying limp in Riley's arms.

I see Zack visibly relaxing and I place my hand over his and hold the doorknob instead as he moves to pick up his sister.

"We're not doing anything until she's awake."

"Of course."

I watch as he carries Sarah into another room. When he doesn't come back out I turn towards the door and start opening it.

John places a hand on my shoulder and stops me. "What are you doing? Zack said—"

"Relax. I'm not doing anything. I'm just going to see how bad the situation is."

"Fine." He removes his hand from my shoulder and readies himself.

"You might want to step back." I tell Riley.

I slowly open the door a crack and peek in. I breathe out a sigh and close it.

"What? What is it?" John asks.

"This is going to destroy them." I shake my head and walk away.

A/N: Y'all better be vaxxed already

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