Chapter 2

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Chapter Song: Big Bad World by Kodaline


A month or so has passed and this group of faithful people are slowly losing hope. They have kept themselves barricaded in the same room they found themselves in at the beginning of all this chaos. In truth, they were really only able to last this long since the room happened to be the ushers' pantry, which was also connected to a restroom. So all essentials for a month of survival were available. Until of course, more than a month passed.

"Alex was right. We're not going to survive in here just waiting around. I'm leaving." A lanky boy gets up from his position in the corner and begins to tuck in his dress shirt.

"You're not going to survive out there, Connor. I doubt Alex did either. Our best chance is staying in here. We survived a zombie outbreak in church on a Sunday. We're safe enough here." Another boy but more closely to a man, pushes himself off of the wall he was leaning on and stands straight in front of Connor.

"Safe? Do you seriously believe that, John? We're days away from being cannibals! I'm leaving." Connor looks at John resolutely.

"Where would you even go?" John challenges.

Connor wavers at this question, realizing he didn't really think things through. "I don't know. The mall next door? Anywhere but here."

Despite his lack of planning, Connor makes his way to the blockade. One side guaranteeing starving to death and the other the possibility of getting devoured to death. Connor would rather take the second option where he at least had a fighting chance.

"Wait—" Riley, having watched the conversation from the side like the others, moves to stop Connor. She agrees that they wouldn't survive hiding in here any longer. But if they were taking a chance at the outside world, then they'd have a better fighting chance at it together.

Connor was about to tell Riley to move out of his way when they heard a loud banging on the door. Everyone's eyes are immediately on it. Fear evident at the likelihood of the zombies finally finding them and becoming their next meal.

No one speaks a word or even moves a muscle, hoping that their silence will keep the monsters at bay and hopefully move on.

Everyone jumps as another bang hits the door.

"Hey! You guys still in there? Or are you all dying of starvation already? Open up!" A voice shouts. A voice they never thought they would hear again. A voice so recognizable despite having only heard it a few times.

Connor and Riley were the first to recover from their shock. They start dismantling their blockade, which took some time since it was better built now. Once the door was opened, they were welcomed by the sight of Alex covered in blood and grime from head to toe. Nevertheless, they knew it was Alex.

Riley immediately runs and engulfs their savior in a hug.

"Wow. Starvation did a number on you, huh? You couldn't look me in the eye and now you're hugging me." Alex jokes while awkwardly patting Riley on the back not wanting to get even more dirt on her.

Riley ignores this and simply hugs tighter. She doesn't know why she's suddenly overwhelmed with emotions. She's just glad that Alex is back.

Alex, slightly confused as well, tries to take back control of the situation by looking at Connor and saying, "Help me get these bags inside." Connor follows the instruction as he now only notices the three duffel bags by Alex's feet.

Riley, now gaining back composure, releases Alex from her hug and grabs a duffel bag herself. This proves to be difficult since it was heavier than she expected. Alex, seeing her struggle, takes the bag from her and gives a small smile as if to say 'it's okay'.

All three of them are now safely back inside the room with the others forming the barricade again.

"I know it's a few months early but Santa comes bearing gifts" Alex kneels down at the duffel bags and opens them one by one. "Drinks. Food. Hygiene stuff. Oh and I found a book in case y'all want to read something other than the bible." Alex takes a paperback from one of the side packets and throws it at a random person. "I figured the pantries here aren't really stocked up and there's nine of you so... I got as much as I could. Sorry I took long. I was thinking of just hitting up the mall next door but that would be stupid."

Connor scratches his neck, embarrassed that that was what he was about to do if Alex hadn't shown up.

"Where have you been?" Riley asks what everyone else has been thinking.

"I decided to go somewhere with familiar territory. Home. Took me three days to get there. Barricaded myself in. Looted from some neighbors. Don't worry they were all dead or rather undead." Alex adds as the others start to react at the mention of theft. "I basically tried to stock up as much as I could. Then I had to figure out a mode of transportation. I can't exactly carry all this stuff here on my bike. So... I know how to hot-wire cars now." Alex laughs at the memory of cutting up so many wires trying to figure out which two would get the car to work.

"That was you in the SUV? I saw you pass by." A girl with glasses on who was standing by the windows earlier, asked.

"Yeah, I had to park it somewhere inconspicuous. Don't want anyone stealing it. Again. Since I stole it first." Alex laughs again. Nobody joins in since they're still shocked by what's happening.

"Why'd you come back? I thought you hated us?" Connor asks. He only dared to now that he sees that Alex is a bit more relaxed towards them.

Alex rolls their eyes at this. "I don't hate you. I'd just rather surround myself with more supportive people. But that doesn't mean I'd leave you in here to die. I was right to assume that you really had no plans of leaving."

"Why didn't you tell us your plans? I would've come with you and helped." Riley chips in.

Alex snorts. "No offense hun, but I think I have a better fighting chance alone. This is all new territory and I don't have time babysitting and watching my own back."

Riley is hurt by this but knows that Alex was right. She doubts she would've been much help in her white floral dress and quiet demeanor.

The hurt expression on Riley's face didn't go unnoticed by Alex, which sent a wave of guilt through their chest. They shake it off by addressing the others and motioning to the bags on the floor. "Anyways, help yourselves. But don't stuff yourselves too much too quick. Don't want to shock your stomachs. I'm gonna go clean up."

And with that, Alex heads to the restroom leaving the others behind to rummage through the bags.

A/N: Every chapter will have a song to it. Link to the playlist is on the Act 1 part. I'll be updating it along with the chapters.

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