Chapter 25

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Chapter Song: We're Going Home by Vance Joy


A year has passed since the world as people knew it ended. Families were ripped from each other as the greedy hunger of a beast tore them inside out. Friends were lost and broken relationships never mended.

Humanity was thrown into a new world where one's only concern was their own survival, doing any means necessary to stay alive. This mentality, if you think about it, is really not that different from the old world. Only this time it's fueled with the complete lack of order and undead neighbours you can whack as much as your anger desires.

One year is enough to turn any decent human into a being similar to the monsters they're fighting. This would've been the case for Alex had they not met a particular group of strangers. Be it chance, or nature's course, or even divine will, Alex did not care to ask how or why. They only know what is: that somehow, along the way of life, despite the many rocks thrown at them, they found hands as soft yet capable as their own, to catch those rocks with them and build a home.

A lot has passed since Day One and Chaos has finally settled in its nest. Questions were still asked but never knowing the answer was finally accepted. Soon, another six months passed then another. It was a new world no more.

This group of ragtag teenagers— or rather young adults— were now equipped with skills that could make all zombie fighting folks in all the zombie digital worlds embarrassed. Of course, some hiccups can't be avoided but they were a great group— a great family.

They began with a mission to visit their homes and search for lost loved ones. The mission ended unsuccessfully. Nobody welcomed them home and nobody knocked on their doors. Well, except that one time. But they all knew nobody was as crazy as Aly to have survived on their own.

Closure and acceptance. That's all they got in their many weeks of scurrying from one house to the next. But they never lost hope. How could they? When they had each other. Losing Zack, though painful, made them stronger. For what is grief but love you can no longer give.

Strength and courage. That's what they learned as they battled with Death everyday. They knew fear would never leave them. And that's exactly how they could be strong and brave. John knew that to lead, he had to be those two things. But for the others to believe him, he had to believe in himself first. So he did.

Wit and a quick mind. The ability to save a drastic situation in mere seconds. No one was as surprised as Connor when he became the first to always suggest new ideas and contingencies. After all, the very first decision that he made was started on a whim and would've ended on a Black Friday Sale scene.

Learning was one thing. You can learn as you go. But teaching is a whole other matter. Despite not having access to a formal education anymore, Beth and Matteo proved that as long as you had the will— and of course the books— you can still learn the sciences. Practicing it was a bit bumpy but more importantly, they knew the value of sharing what they learned. And they did it quite well.

These are all great things. And to make one great thing, a small thing must be started. The team had their own roles to fulfil. But they never saw one role more important than the other or lesser than their own. They were all equal parts of a moving wheel. Lisa, Greg, and Sarah were very much content in their own roles of lookout and inventory. Who else is gonna make sure the wheel is oiled and not drenched in zombie blood?

Purpose. All things learned and roles fulfilled were all done with a purpose. Riley, despite not having much luck on finding that purpose in an internet-empty-world, has managed to remind the family of their purpose: each other. Who cares if they never find out why or how the apocalypse happened? Humanity was bound to fuck up some time. It just so happened to be in their lifetime. Their only purpose now was to live another day safe in each other's company and maybe leave the world a less fucked up place.

So where does Alex fit into this picture? They never thought they could ever fit into any picture so how is this any different? Society had an image developed in black and white ready to impose on anything and anyone. That kind of society will never be gone so long as humanity lives. Alex knows that. They always have. So what's the difference now?

They've accepted it?

They're stronger and can now take any harshness with a smile?

They're sound in mind and heart?

Only Alex can know.

What is obvious though, is that despite knowing that life will always be a grey area, you always have the choice of filling it with color. You just have to stretch out your hand. And if you're lucky enough... patient enough... maybe you'll feel another hand reaching, grasping, holding tightly onto yours.

"This is Command Base Central broadcasting on all channels. If you can hear this, wherever you are, head over to Camp Fenix. We are sending military and medical troops to ensure your safe passage. Please stay alert on your travels and most importantly, don't die. You are humanity's last hope."

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