Chapter 18

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Chapter Song: Older Than I Am by Lennon Stella


Alex would never admit it but they now consider this group they've found themself in as their family. Half a year of living together and working to keep each other safe has helped this group learn to trust each other and believe that despite the circumstances, they could face anything as long as they were together.

Their second headquarters was established without a hiccup. Although they did not find Lisa's family or run into any other humans, they were still glad. Lisa was content enough to know there wasn't anyone waiting for her and more than happy to not have to go through what the twins did.

Only one more home was left to visit: Riley's.

Riley wasn't particularly looking forward to nor dreading the visit. She knew how slim the chances were of being reunited with her family. She thought that even if she didn't, she would still have one. That's why she wasn't in any hurry to go home and convinced the others that it was smarter to secure their second headquarters first.

On this particular day, the crew was making a supply run back to Alex's house. They needed to get a specific wire for the communicator they were developing. Alex knew that there was a high chance their neighbor would have it since they remembered their mom mentioning he was an electrical engineer who loved making projects in his garage.

They haven't ventured into his home yet since it was closer to the edge of the village and near the community office, which was riddled with zombies. So they decided to keep it a short mission and the rest agreed to send out only a few to lessen the scent.

When they arrived at the house, they quickly boarded themselves in and made sure all the rooms were clear before they began their search. Alex and Beth quickly started rummaging through the garage set up as a work room. Shelves were filled with all sorts of tools and workbenches were littered with unfinished projects. While this was happening, Sarah and Zack were each filling up bags with any other supplies they could find useful. Food, clothes, books, newspapers... Anything and everything to maximize their trip. The last member of the away team was Aly, who was keeping lookout ready to send the signal for when they needed to leave. Aly had proven a valuable member of the team given her four months of living alone. She was as skilled a fighter as she was at getting under Alex's skin.

Finally, they found the wire they were looking for and even more. The team quickly started loading into their car just as a group of zombies appeared at a distance. They were a different kind of zombie though. Faster and more feral. Unfortunately for the team since they couldn't escape fast enough.

It was a one-on-one battle. Five zombies and five humans desperately trying to fend themselves. Alex and Aly, despite being the most skilled, took some time to defeat their opponents. But without missing a beat, they quickly move on to help the others. Aly ran to Beth's rescue as the other girl was pinned down and trying to keep the zombie's teeth from biting into her. Alex on the other hand rushed to swing at the zombie coming towards Zack who was distracted pulling a zombie off his sister.

In the midst of the chaos, Alex found themself on the ground beside Sarah as the human-crazed zombie swiped at them and Zack throwing both of them off. The zombie reverted its attention back to Sarah as if it had only one target in mind.

Everything was in slow motion. Zack shouting in pain desperately trying to get up to save his sister. Sarah grasping around hoping to hold anything she could use as a weapon. Aly and Beth looking in horror, too far away to be of any help.

And Alex. Watching everything unfold knowing what they had to do next.

Ignoring the pain on their side, Alex hurls themself at the zombie sheer moments before it could sink its teeth at Sarah. But consequently angering it and having that anger directed at them.

With one last surge of adrenaline, Alex clutches at the zombie's face, risking their hands getting bitten off, and turns its head snapping its neck.

Heavy breathing fills the air.

Alex's vision is blurred.

They were sure they were going to die.

But they didn't.

Aly runs to her best friend's side and helps them up. A silent conversation passes between them.

Alex's attention snaps back to their surroundings as Zack pulls them into his arms thanking them for saving his sister.

Alex shakes their head. "Thank me when we're all safely back in the house." They put an arm around Zack helping him walk to the car. Just as he was about to climb in, a sharp pain attacks his leg, coursing upto his head, and spreading all over his body. He quickly falls to the ground writhing in pain.

"I— I can't—." He looks up at Alex, eyes trying to deliver a message.

"Yes, you can. We'll get you back to the house and fix your leg." Alex drops down to pick him up again. The others helping them.

"No—," Zacks breathes through his teeth, knowing this pain was different. "You can't fix this."

"What are you talking about? I'm an expert at patching up legs." Alex tries to laugh, reality starting to dawn on her.

"Alex, please."

A/N: Sorry for the heartache.

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