Chapter 12

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Chapter Song: Lay It on Me by Vance Joy


Two weeks have passed without a sign of Alex. John and Connor let the others assume that they had died so that the rest could escape. The two boys knew that there was still a chance that Alex was alive but they also knew how hoping could cause more damage the longer it was held and when it was finally lost.

The group had made their way safely into Alex's house. When they arrived, they were awed at how heavily guarded it was. All the windows were barred, three walls of dead zombies encircled the perimeter (there were even some on the roof), and blood was dripping on all the walls. When they entered, they were equally surprised at the lack of family pictures hanging on the walls or displayed on tables. A total contrast to their own homes. Despite this, the group still very much felt like they were living in a haunted house. Not haunted by Alex's pictures but rather the memory of them.

It was the first night of the third week they were staying here. The longest they have ever stayed at anyone's house. Despite having two more homes to visit, the group couldn't get themselves to leave. Not much instruction was being given by John either and so they stayed and waited. For what? They didn't know.

John was on watch duty when he noticed a figure stumbling in the dark near the gate. He quickly raises his weapon, gauging if he should attack or wait for the zombie to pass by. He noticed that it was getting dangerously close to the house and so he made up his mind to attack it. Just as he was raising his bat, a whisper cut through the silent night air.

"Woah, hold your horses." The clouds part and moonlight shines on the voice's face. John quickly runs up to them and engulfs them in a hug.

"You son of a bitch." That was his first time to curse but it was totally worth it.

Alex chuckles. "I think I'm a bad influence on you."

John leads Alex inside, helping them walk as they have a limp.

"The others?" Alex asks quietly.

"Alive and well thanks to you." John answers to which Alex nods. "Your leg, what happened?"

"I jumped from the third floor onto a dumpster but still landed pretty badly. Don't worry, no zombie bites on me."

"I wasn't worried about that. I know you wouldn't endanger us like that." John chuckles at Alex.

"You never know...." Alex kids back.

After they share smiles, Alex says, "Alright. Well... I'm gonna go clean up and take a much needed peaceful sleep. I hope none of you have trashed my bed yet."

John gives them a look.

Alex raises their brows at this. "Seriously? Wow, you guys move on fast."

John shakes his head. "Quite the opposite. Riley's been staying in your room. Hasn't left it since."

"Oh..." Was all Alex could say.

The two share another look. Alex knew John was okay with... whatever this situation was. So they just gave a quick nod and headed upstairs.

After cleaning themself up, Alex quietly opens the door to their room. It was clearly theirs by the 'Alex' sign hanging on it.

They see Riley curled up in the middle of their bed. Her nose red and her cheeks stained with traces of tears shed moments ago. Alex smiles sadly at the girl in front of them. They knew all too well the pain she was feeling.

Carefully, Alex lays down under the covers keeping some distance from Riley. Still, they couldn't help but brush a stray strand of hair behind her ear. This action seeped into Riley's dream turning her nightmare into a more pleasant one as Alex's scent invades her nose. Subconsciously, Riley moves closer to the scent until she is snuggled into Alex's arms. Alex didn't know what to do and became rigid at this action. But eventually, they relax and hold Riley in their arms and drift off to sleep.

A/N: Sorry I forgot to update yesterday. Work has been stressful. On the plus side, I enjoyed my weekend getaway.

Also, I'll be updating every Saturday from now on since I'll be out on the field for the next two months. Here's to hoping it won't be as stressful as I expect.

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