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Twilight stood in front of the statue. She drummed her fingers against her thigh nervously and then turned around to face Applejack and Rainbow Dash.
"Okay girls. This is the portal statue." Twilight said, gesturing to the large statue behind her. "I-I just want to let you know that it'll hurt a little at first, and that it might feel weird, but you'll be okay in the end." My heart pounded faster. I was already nervous about passing through the portal, and Twilight's warnings weren't helping. Rainbow Dash yawned behind me.
"Yeah, yeah we get it. My girl AJ and I are ready." She put an arm around my shoulders. "Right?" I nodded. "Good," she said. Then Rainbow stood back. "Okay, who's going to go first?"
"Aren't you?" I asked smugly, turning to her with a smirk on my face.
"Why would I?" She replied quietly.
"Y'know, cuz you were all confident 'bout this, I thought you'd be happy to go first!" I said, trying to hold back my laughter as I watched her eyes grow wider.
"But I never- uhm... just because-" Rainbow began, but Twi cut her off.
"I'll go first." She sighed. I stared at her, surprised. Rainbow was usually the most adventurous one, not Twilight. "Why are you looking at me like that? Since I've been in there before, it seems logical to me that I would go first." She shrugs.
"Okay." I said, and then I started writing in Sunset Shimmer's diary.

Hi girls! Wow, this is my first time communicating with you. Just so you know, Twilight is going to be the first one to come through the portal. I know this must be a little annoying for you to do this an hour before midnight, but it's what's best for us. We can't let anybody see us go through the portal. Anyway, start her up!

As soon as I stopped writing, the mirror on the statue glowed a light purple. Spike, who was in Twilight's backpack, waved a paw to me and Rainbow. Then Twilight jumped into the portal.
Well, she more like slipped into the portal. It was a silent action, leaving Rainbow and me behind in the darkness. I handed the diary to Dash.
"Now you write." I took a deep breath and walked toward the portal, which had stopped glowing.
"Wait!" Rainbow said. I turned around. "Can we go in... together?" I hesitated.
"Yeah. Course." I said. She linked arms with me and began to write. Soon the portal was glowing purple again, and we both took a step toward it. I nodded, and then pulled her arm into the portal with me.
The first thing I felt was heat.
A lot of heat.
Not just like a hot summer day, but almost like I've been dipped in a pot of boiling water.
Scorching heat.
Surrounding me.
As soon as the heat ends, I'm twirling around in some sort of crazy spiral. I could slowly feel my fingers disappearing, so I closed my eyes and waited. Then I felt myself drop onto a hard floor. I looked up.
"Welcome to Equestria!" Applejack said with a smile.

Equestria Girls: Apples and Diamonds (A Rarijack Story)Where stories live. Discover now