Bills and Coins

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  • Dedicated to Adam Smith

The reason this chapter is called Bills and Coins is because I'm a serious gold digger. Princess Twilight Sparkle may have said that I'm a generosity unicorn from another dimension, but am I seriously supposed to believe her? I mean, there's obviously something up with that girl. She's magical and everything, that was proved during our fight with the she-demon named Sunset Shimmer. But maybe she was just saying that to make us want to be friends with her? I don't know. I think Flash Sentry is cute, but he's not rich and obviously into Twilight. I gravitate towards the older men, with the fuller wallets. Once I dated Fancy Pants, but it was a secret, and I didn't get that much money out of it. We broke up shortly after he promoted my fashion boutique. He found out I was a gold digger and went nuts, immediately taking away my promotion and giving my boutique a bad review. My business got a little less busy for a week or two, but it started rolling again when I dated another rich guy, whatever his name was. After Applejack fell on top of me (I SWEAR that was on purpose) I brushed off my clothes and reminded her we are just friends. She sighed audibly. I brightened up.
"Anyway, you should see my surprise!" I opened the door to my locker, and in the middle of it was a mannequin wearing a...

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