Graduation Practice

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  • Dedicated to Adam Smith

After Elle left, Ms. Cheerilee and Mr. Discord decided to hold up graduation practice to wait for her. They had to go over parts the dance routine with a few students anyway. I don't mean to be mean, but they looked like chickens having a seizure. Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy walked up to me and we all listened to news about each other's romantic life. Except for mine, of course. Poor Fluttershy barely got a word in about Big Mac because Dashie and Pinks were fighting over who got to talk first.
"And then Soarin' whispered in my ear, 'you're beautiful, Dash.'" Rainbow Dash sighed. She was about to start another sentence when I heard the door open. I turned around to see Elle opening the door quietly, with way more respect than before. A bunch of other students looked at Elle entering, too. She crossed her arms and stared back at them until they turned around.
The teachers didn't seem to notice her enter, they were still focused on the terrible dancers. Elle walked over to a few kids and started talking to them. I continued to listen to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie talk about their boyfriends, spacing out by looking at the wall behind them. I did this until Fluttershy said, "Do you have any special boys in mind?" I snapped back to attention, blushing immediately. "Uh... nope!" Rainbow Dash laughed.
"Yeah, right. I only blush like that when people ask me about Soarin'. Spill the beans." She said.
"Oh! Oh! Tell us tell us tell us!" Pinkie Pie said, jumping up and down.
"No one, I swear!" I said.
"Alright..." Rainbow Dash said, looking at me suspiciously. She started talking about Soarin' again, and I spaced out. Tomorrow was graduation. But all I could think about was Rarity.

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