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Only half an hour later, all the ponies (and Spike!) were sitting in Twilight's dining room once again, this time with lunch. The clinking of utensils on plates filled the large room. Elsewhere, however, there were more important things going on.
~Back in Equestria~
"Rarity, c'mon, just tell us." Sonata Dusk said with an eye roll. Krism shot her a look.
"Sonata..." She warned in a singsong voice.
"Sorry if she just wants this to move a little faster, but it's been a friggin' hour and we've gotten nowhere." Adagio Dazzle complained.
"Rarity, let's go outside for a bit," Krism said, taking her hand and helping her up off the rug. As they walked out of the room, Krism turned around and stuck the middle finger up at everyone in the room, causing people to gasp and exclaim.
As Krism closed the door, she heard Grey Blaze yell, "That's no way to bucking treat us!"
Krism closes the door and rolled her eyes, smiling at Rarity.
"Please excuse them, they're just stressed." Krism bit her lip in thought, and Rarity could feel the temperature rising in her cheeks. "Rarity, why won't you tell us where these ponies are? Aren't we your best friends now?" Krism tucked a loose strand of curly purple hair behind Rarity's white ear, and kept her hand pressed against Rarity's soft cheek.
"Krism..." Rarity whispered as Krism leaned in to kiss her. Less than a second later, their lips were pressed together and a sigh of pleasure found its way out of Rarity's lips. Krism pulled away.
"C'mon, tell me..." Krism said and dropped her hand to her thigh.

"Fine then," Rarity said, trying to remain calm.

Finally! Krism thought to herself.

"You know of Twilight Sparkle, correct?" Rarity asked. Krism nodded. "She's the princess of friendship back in Equestria, apparently."

That nerd? Krism thought, resisting the urge to laugh.

"I don't know much, but I do know that she has a tree-like castle made out of glass- or was it crystal?"

"Tell us- me more about the portal, Rares." Krism pressed on.

"You know I don't like it when you call me that!" Rarity blushed. Kriam, raised her eyebrows in annoyance, causing Rarity to continue. "It opens every hundred moons, now that it's been so active lately. But I still don't know how they got in." Krism tried not to lose her patience. This happened a lot with new members of the Dark Angels. Krism would wipe part of their memory so they would think the other members of her cult were their friends, but Krism still wasn't very skilled at it, so a little of the subject's other scattered memories would go along with it. Out of all memories, did this one have to go with it? Krism found it annoying. "Wait..." Krism found hope again as soon as Rarity began to talk. "Perhaps they used Sunset Shimmer's diary?" Krism's heart dropped as soon as she heard the name Sunset Shimmer. Krism had bad history with her. But she was able to think up a plan to get the diary.

"Do you know Sunset's locker number at school?"


"Let's take a little trip..."

An hour later, Rarity and Krism had found their way inside of the school. They had their flashlights turned on, and they walked up to floor two.

"215... 215..." Krism mumbled to herself, searching for the locker with that number on it.

"215!" Rarity said, waving Krism over to the other end of the hall. Krism walked over and shone her flashlight on the lock for Sunset's locker.

"Okay, let's get this diary!" Krism let her flashlight drop to the ground and told Rarity to keep shining hers on the lock. Krism took her lock picking kit out of her backpack and picked the lock as fast as she could.

As soon as she got the locker open, she smiled.

"Next stop, Equestria."

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