The Visit

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  • Dedicated to Adam Smith

I ran to my house, flung open the door, and screamed, "I'll be late today! A friend is injured!" Through my sobs. I slammed the door closed and slumped onto the grass, panting. I knew I should visit her, but she probably doesn't want to see me. I was the one who nearly killed her, after all. I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I called Twilight, who was here visiting Sunset Shimmer. She would probably know what to do. It rang twice before she picked up. "Hey, AJ!" She said cheerfully. And then she heard me crying.
"Oh my Celestia, what's wrong?" She asked, concerned.
"I just... I just need your advice." I said.
"No you don't. I need to get over there right now."
"No!" I protested. "No! This is too important. Rarity and I had a fight the day before and... and... Rarity cut herself, almost dying. She's in the hospital now. Should I visit or not? Don't come. This is a fight we needa keep between us." I said in a rush.
"OH MY CELESTIA! Visit her! But you don't have much time alone, because I'm driving over to the hospital to see her." Twilight then hung up. Just as I stood up, Big Macintosh walked out of our home.
"AJ, is everything okay?" He asked in his low voice.
"I'm going to the hospital. I'm not hurt. Take my backpack." I handed him my backpack. "Can you drive me?"

Once we got to the hospital, I jumped out of the car. I pushed through the glass double doors and walked up to the desk where the employee was sitting behind the counter. She had a name tag on her large blue hoodie that said Emma. Emma's blonde hair was just past her shoulders. Her eyes smiled at me behind her red glasses.
"Hi, how may I help you?" She asked.
"I'm here for Rarity?" I said, almost like I was asking a question. Emma looked at the computer behind the counter and it took her half a minute before she picked up a phone and said, "Yeah, someone's here for Rarity?" There was a pause. "Her name is..." Emma looked at me.
"Applejack." I said.
"Applejack." She repeated into the phone. "Ok." Emma put the phone down. She looked up at me. "Rarity's not in the best state right now, but when she was sleeping she kept saying the name Applejack. You must be someone important to her." She smiled sadly at me. "Anyway, she's in room 5115." I took the elevator up to the fifth floor. I found her room and walked in, taking a deep breath before I did.
There was a pale girl in front of me. She was lying down, mascara running soundlessly down her cheeks. Her purple hair was straight, her eyes depressed and lifeless. There was drool on a corner of her mouth.
"Rarity?" She looked up at me. Her eyes drilled into mine as she stared at me blankly.
"I'm. Sorry." It was then the tears on her face continued to flow, and she held her hand out to me. "Please..." I took her hand.
"Rarity..." I began.
"Shhhhh..." She said. "Lean. In." Each word was a struggle for her. I leaned in.
"What is it, Rarity?" I asked, worried.
"Murderer..." She whispered in my ear. She slumped back into sleep, still holding my hand. I stayed like this with her, standing as she snored lightly, until Twily came in. I put a finger to my lips and slipped my hand out of Rarity's, walking away. I felt a weird happiness from just being able to see her, a soft smile developing on my face.
I looked down at my hands and whispered, "Thank Celestia you're okay."

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