The Missing Hat

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Before I did anything, I lifted my head up and looked around. Rainbow and me had landed in a crystal castle, in a room which seemed like a library.
Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie were all looking at me and Rainbow, concerned.
I scrambled to stand up on my new hooves.
Then fell down instantly. Twilight was already up on her hooves, hovering above me using her wings, with a concerned look on her face like all the others.
"Need 'elp?" Applejack asked. I jumped at the sound of her voice, forgetting that I had someone with the same voice as me.
"Sure, I guess." I said weakly. She grabbed my hoof and heaved me up with a grunt.
"Thanks." I said, then reached up to my head to fix my hat.
I ended up touching a hoof-full of mane instead. "'As anyone seen mah hat?" I asked.
Pinkie Pie immediately jumped up and down and said, "Oh! Oh! This sounds like job for Detective Pink-"
But Rarity stuck a hoof in her mouth and turned towards me.
"I'm terribly sorry, dear. You'll have to excuse this hyper little pony."
I was barely listening, though, because all I could notice was Rarity's eyes. They reminded me of the eyes that belonged to Rarity back in Canterlot City. I sighed. "Uhm, are you alright?" Rainbow Dash asked me, waving a hoof in front of my face.
"Uh, yeah... yeah. I'm a'right." I said. I stared at Rainbow Dash. "Hold yer horses... which Rainbow Dash are ya?" I asked after a few seconds. She laughed.
"I'm Equestria Rainbow Dash. Wait... we've never met before! Nice to meet you!" EQRD (Equestria Rainbow Dash) shook my hoof.
"How am I 'sposed to remember ya?" I said.
"You'll know cuz I'm the awesome one." She said, pointing to herself proudly. I rolled my eyes.
"Ya got one big ego, jus' like mah Rainbow Dash."
Rainbow Dash trotted up to me and frowned.
"I don't have a big ego! I just know that I'm twenty percent cooler than everybody else!" She argued. EQRD flew up in the air and crossed her arms (or whatever they're called in Equestria).
"Yeah, like you can fly." She said, flying higher in the air. Applejack put a hoof on my shoulder.
"Jus' ignore 'em." She said.
"Sounds good." I replied. "But I still don't know where my hat is."
"It might be back in Canterlot City. You could've dropped it when you got sucked into the portal." Rainbow Dash said, temporarily teared away from her fight with EQRD. I nodded.

Back in Equestria, before they went through the portal...

"Wait!" Rainbow Dash's voice rang out clearly in the darkness. "Can we go in... together?"
There was a moment of silence before Applejack replied, "Yeah. Course." There was more silence, and then I heard the portal activate. Once I made sure they were gone, I walked out from behind my hiding place (it was really easy to hide from them) and stood in front of the statue where the portal was. Unfortunately, it had closed up completely.
Then I saw something on the ground. It was Applejack's hat. It must've fallen off when she got sucked into the portal. I picked it up and snorted.
"Silly pony." It was nice to hear someone else's voice for a change, even if it was my own. "You forgot your hat."

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