Chapter 8

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She was in the dark room again, only this time, there was no bed in the corner of the room, she was back in her old, tattered dirty dress and there wasn’t any squeaking from the rats… it was only silence. Eerie… dark… dangerous silence. She curled up in a ball, sitting in the middle of the cold room, her eyes refusing to adjust to the darkness. The room was much, much colder then normal. She squeezed her eyes shut as the door to the dark room opened, filling the room with a harsh light that burned her eyes.

    “Well, well, if it isn’t little Miss. Pyromaniac, hiding from the light.” The man walked into the room, Demetria didn’t bother looking up, knowing that he was hiding his face behind a mask anyways. She bit her lip slightly, and he growled, seeing that she was unresponsive. “Answer me!” He demanded, his voice harsh. Demetria whimpered softly and looked up at him, her eyes taking a moment to adjust to the light.

    “I… I’m not a pyromaniac…” She whispered softly, causing him to laugh harshly.

    “Then explain to me, why my parents are dead!” He growled walking towards her, slamming the door shut in the process. Then it hit Demetria, that’s who he was talking about… he was talking about his parents… but… she still had no idea what he was talking about… Demetria scooted back on the floor, only to be stopped when her back met the wall. She whimpered softly when she heard the sound of the knife being pulled out of it’s sheath that was connected to his belt. “That’s right, you know what’s coming. But first.” He walked back over to the door and opened it, calling for a man who was standing outside the door. “Well, there the wench is. Go ahead, check her out.” Another man entered the room, wearing the same mask as the first man.

    The newer male walked over to Demetria and squatted in front of her. “I’ll knock on the door when I’m done.” The newer man called to Demetria’s captor. Demetria’s captor only grunted before leaving the room, slamming the door shut behind him. She winced slightly and the loud noise. The new man looked at her, fake concern in his eyes. “...Do you know why I’m here?” She shook her head slightly, and wished the wall wasn’t behind her back. She looked down again, her hair covering her face, knees pulled close to her chest. “Do you remember what happened a month or two ago?” She nodded slightly, knowing the event that he was talking about. The day when her captor was bored and drunk… the day he took her innocence, something that he knew she couldn’t recover, ever again. “Well, my friend wants me to make sure that you aren’t pregnant.”

    She looked up at him, her greasy hair hanging in front of her eyes. “Why are you friends with him…. He hurts people…” She said softly, her voice hoarse from the screams from the previous morning.

    “I’m friends with him, because I have a contract with him, sweetheart.” Demetria’s eyes widened slightly as she realized what the man was. This man was a demon… She had seen these creatures of Hell before… none of them had good intentions. She pushes herself closer to the wall, shaking slightly. He only chuckled and pushed her knees down. “It’ll be easier if you relax and let me do this the easy way.” The demon said, and she closed her eyes slightly and slowly slid her knees away from her chest. The demon placed her hand on her stomach and gently applied pressure. “I hope you know my deal with him is to make the person who killed his parents pay. And it seems that you’re the culprit.”

    “I didn’t kill anyone…” Demetria mumbled softly, looking at him through her veil of hair.

    “Sure you didn’t. And just so you know, the only reason that your captor isn’t dead, is because he doesn’t believe he’s gotten revenge yet.” The demon said, pulling his hand away. He stood up and walked over to the door. He knocked on the door and the man opened the door.

    “Well?!” The man demanded looking at Demetria, glaring at her.

    The Demon spoke, his voice calm and collected. “Well, yes, it would seem that you impregnated her.” The man grew even more angry with every word.

    “Go start on dinner. And prepare a plate for the wench. I don’t want her wasting away yet.” The Demon nodded and left the room, the man closing the door after the demon left. He pulled out his knife again, walking over to Demetria.

    Demetria squeezed her eyes shut, shaking, and starting to cry, warm, wet tears slid down her cheeks silently as she prepared for the worst to happen. And then she woke up to a man looming above her, gently shaking her to wake her up. “Are you alright Demetria?” Sebastian asked, his voice quiet, as not to disturb the rest of the manor, as everyone else had fallen asleep a little over an hour ago.

    Demetria sniffled slightly and nodded, realizing that she was crying, she wiped her eyes, her breath still a little heavy, and her nerves on edge. “I’m sorry if I woke you…” She said quietly, sitting up in the bed. Mr. Snuffums meowed in annoyance and jumped off the bed, hopping onto the chair Sebastian was inhabiting only a few mere minutes ago.

    “No, it’s alright. I rarely get any sleep anyways.” Sebastian said, chuckling quietly at his own joke. Demetria nodded slightly and wiped a few stray tears off of her face.

    “If you say so…” She said quietly looking down at her hands-which were now resting in her lap.

    “What happened?” Sebastian asked her quietly, as she calmed herself down, her breathing evening out, and the shaking coming to a stop.

    “I’ll… I’ll tell you in the morning…” Demetria said quietly, her voice quiet yet fearful. Sebastian nodded slightly, and moved back from her bed, intending to go back to his book. “Can you… can you please stay with me tonight?” Demetria said softly… slightly embarrassed by the request.

    “I’ll be right there.” Sebastian said quietly, gesturing to the chair by the window. Demetria shook her head slightly looking at Sebastian and sighed softly-noticing that he wasn’t wearing a suit, but instead pajamas. A simple white button down shirt, with long black pants that gripped the hips, but hung loosely from the band of the pants down. It wasn’t a strange look for him, but it was new and different to Demetria, having only seen him in his suit before.  

    “I… I mean can you sleep with me in the bed tonight….” Demetria said quietly… she could feel herself blushing at the request.

    “Oh… well… yes.. I assume that I would be able to do that.” Sebastian said, surprised by the request-It seemed that this girl was always surprising him… she wasn’t like other humans… that was for sure. Demetria nodded and thanked him quietly, she scooted over in the bed and Sebastian climbed in, and both of them lied down in the bed together. Demetria snuggled close to Sebastian, feeling safe near him, and slowly drifted off into the world of sleep, this time a blanket of safety coating her dreams-keeping out all the dark dreams that scared her so much.

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