Chapter 40

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//Two chapters in one update?! Oh something special must be happening! Read to find out!//

   Later that night-after Ciel and Sebastian had returned home from the Viscount's ball, that Demetria said she'd pass on-Sebastian confronted Demetria.

    "I think it's about time I took you somewhere. After all, I can't stop you from seeing this place for the rest of your life...." Sebastian mumbled softly, gently running the side of his hand over her cheek and to her chin.

    "And where would that be?" She asked him softly, looking up at him. The moonlight shined behind him, illuminating his face, and only making his features more attracting.

    "Hell." Sebastian said softly, looking over at the front of the mansion.

    They were currently standing out in front of the manor, in the middle of the night, by request of Sebastian of course. It was a fairly warm night, but that one word caused Demetria to go stone cold.

    "Hell?" She asked, her voice coming out as a squeak.

    Sebastian sighed softly and nodded, holding her hands in his own.

    "I'm sorry Kitten, but the Demon King, King of Hell, whatever you would like to call him, has requested that he meet me in his court tonight, and that I bring you with." Demetria looked up at him slightly and nodded.

    "Alright... I guess we have to go then." Sebastian seemed surprised by her boldness but nodded slightly.

    "Well, close your eyes. It will tingle for a minute, but I'll let you know when you can open up your eyes again." Sebastian said softly, holding her hand tightly in his own.

    Demetria nodded and closed her eyes, the tingling sensation coming a few moments after she closed her eyes. And, just like Sebastian said, the tingling lasted for only a few moments.

    "You can open your eyes now, Demetria." Sebastian whispered softly to her.

    Demetria opened up her eyes and looked around. They were standing in a grand courtroom. There was a warmness that surrounded Demetria, but she didn't mind it, it felt like a fire. Warm and comforting. It was courtroom, and you would expect it to be lit up and light everywhere, but apparently not in Hell. In Hell it was dark, and there were dark shadows in every crevice.

    "Welcome, Corvus." The Demon King spoke, his voice echoing over the grand courtroom. Demetria's eyes lit up slightly as she heard the Demon king speak the Latin word for crow.

    'So that's what his animal is...' Demetria thought to herself, looking over at Sebastian.

    "I'm glad to see that you brought your mate, what was it you said she was? A phoenix?"

    "Yes, My king." Sebastian said, bowing in the direction of the Demon King. Demetria stood awkwardly beside him, having no idea what to do. After all, the Demon King was not her king, and the God of Heaven was not her King either... in fact, she really didn't have a king.

    "The last one I would assume. After all, the phoenix race was never very smart. Wise beyond all of their years, yes. But they never thought to get a king or queen to get everything in order. Very unwise of them." The Demon King spoke. It sounded as if he was speaking to himself, so Demetria kept quiet. "But that's in the past. Now, Corvus, what is the name of your lovely mate?"

    "Her name is Demetria, my king." Sebastian said, taking Demetria's hand.

    "I can see that you've given her your mark, yet you haven't claimed her, or as the humans would call it, married her. Do you not fear that another demon may steal her from you? After all, she is quite lovely."

    Sebastian shook his head. "No, I do not fear that, my king."

    "I see. Well, I assume I could understand why... After all, you are one of my most powerful subjects." The king said. He paused for a moment. "She has been tainted by an angel."

    Sebastian's gaze narrowed slightly. "I know, my king, but that angel is long gone."

    "Good." The Demon King's voice was starting to sound bored. "Now, I want to hear the girl speak. Tell me Demetria, what did you think of your mother."

    "I didn't know my mother, but I did know my father." Demetria replied, gripping Sebastian's hand.

    "Then tell me about your father."

    "My father was a demon... but he was not a good father in my personal opinion. I knew that he loved me, but he was not a good father."

    "What was his name?"

    "Jeremiah. Jeremiah Jacobe."

    "Ah... the Robin. Not one of my favorite subjects, quite rebellious. But I heard that he was eliminated by some Demon Hunters. So he is no longer my concern. I found that he was very annoying."

    Demetria grew slightly angry. "I might not have loved my father like I should have, but he was my father nonetheless, and I will not tolerate you talking bad about him like that."

    Sebastian's eyes grew wide and he gripped her hand tightly, trying to calm her down. "Demetria... please calm down..." He whispered to her. But it was far too late, her temper was flaring and her hair was definitely on fire.

    But, instead of reacting how the Sebastian thought the Demon King would react he only laughed. And he laughed for a while. While the Demon King laughed, Demetria calmed down and became extremely confused.

    "Stop laughing at me!" She yelled at him, clearly upset that he was laughing at her. But not upset as in angry, upset as in her feelings were hurt.

    The Demon King paused. "Demetria, I am not laughing at you. I am simply laughing at the fact that you are so unlike the other phoenix's that I have met. Most phoenix's would let me insult their family, but you are a fighter. You wouldn't tolerate me insulting your father."

    Demetria's cheeks burned bright red as she listened to him. "Oh... sorry."

    "No need to apologize. I would expect no less of a woman who is marked by my own son. After all, he will need a strong willed queen to rule by his side when I step down. Isn't that right, Corvus?"

    "Yes, that is right... father."

//Whoo! End of Hell's Fire! It's been a long journey, but finally, the book is done! XD I enjoyed writing this book so much, and it's all thanks to you guys and galls! This has been an amazing journey for me, and I enjoyed being able to spend the whole journey with you guys and galls helping me out along the way! Thank you all sooooo much! Really, I mean it. You guys have made me so happy that I can't even use words to describe how happy you've made me! Thank you all so much!//

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